A graphical presentation of the research work of
the 6 permanent members of the group (having an average age of 46
yrs) during their whole career is presented bellow. This includes a histogram of their 652 papers published in refereed
journals, as well as one with the ~25,300 citations these
publications have received.
(Source Web of
Science - created on May 1st 2017).
Publications in refereed journals
Citations to those publications
In the following we present the publications of all group members which have appeared in refereed journals since 2005:
2017 - [45]
- Ahnen, M. L., Ansoldi, S., Antonelli, L. A., Antoranz, P., Babic, A., Banerjee, B., Bangale, P., Barres de Almeida, U., Barrio, J. A., Becerra González, J., Bednarek, W., Bernardini, E., Berti, A., Biasuzzi, B., Biland, A., Blanch, O., Bonnefoy, S., Bonnoli, G., Borracci, F., Bretz, T., Buson, S., Carosi, A., Chatterjee, A., Clavero, R., Colin, P., Colombo, E., Contreras, J. L., Cortina, J., Covino, S., Da Vela, P., Dazzi, F., De Angelis, A., De Lotto, B., de Oña Wilhelmi, E., Di Pierro, F., Doert, M., Domínguez, A., Dominis Prester, D., Dorner, D., Doro, M., Einecke, S., Eisenacher Glawion, D., Elsaesser, D., Engelkemeier, M., Fallah Ramazani, V., Fernández-Barral, A., Fidalgo, D., Fonseca, M. V., Font, L., Frantzen, K., Fruck, C., Galindo, D., García López, R. J., Garczarczyk, M., Garrido Terrats, D., Gaug, M., Giammaria, P., Godinović, N., González Muñoz, A., Gora, D., Guberman, D., Hadasch, D., Hahn, A., Hanabata, Y., Hayashida, M., Herrera, J., Hose, J., Hrupec, D., Hughes, G., Idec, W., Kodani, K., Konno, Y., Kubo, H., Kushida, J., La Barbera, A., Lelas, D., Lindfors, E., Lombardi, S., Longo, F., López, M., López-Coto, R., Majumdar, P., Makariev, M., Mallot, K., Maneva, G., Manganaro, M., Mannheim, K., Maraschi, L., Marcote, B., Mariotti, M., Martínez, M., Mazin, D., Menzel, U., Miranda, J. M., Mirzoyan, R., Moralejo, A., Moretti, E., Nakajima, D., Neustroev, V., Niedzwiecki, A., Nievas Rosillo, M., Nilsson, K., Nishijima, K., Noda, K., Nogués, L., Overkemping, A., Paiano, S., Palacio, J., Palatiello, M., Paneque, D., Paoletti, R., Paredes, J. M., Paredes-Fortuny, X., Pedaletti, G., Peresano, M., Perri, L., Persic, M., Poutanen, J., Prada Moroni, P. G., Prandini, E., Puljak, I., Reichardt, I., Rhode, W., Ribó, M., Rico, J., Rodriguez Garcia, J., Saito, T., Satalecka, K., Schröder, S., Schultz, C., Schweizer, T., Shore, S. N., Sillanpää, A., Sitarek, J., Snidaric, I., Sobczynska, D., Stamerra, A., Steinbring, T., Strzys, M., Surić, T., Takalo, L., Tavecchio, F., Temnikov, P., Terzić, T., Tescaro, D., Teshima, M., Thaele, J., Torres, D. F., Toyama, T., Treves, A., Vanzo, G., Verguilov, V., Vovk, I., Ward, J. E., Will, M., Wu, M. H., Zanin, R., Abeysekara, A. U., Archambault, S., Archer, A., Benbow, W., Bird, R., Buchovecky, M., Buckley, J. H., Bugaev, V., Connolly, M. P., Cui, W., Dickinson, H. J., Falcone, A., Feng, Q., Finley, J. P., Fleischhack, H., Flinders, A., Fortson, L., Gillanders, G. H., Griffin, S., Grube, J., Hütten, M., Hanna, D., Holder, J., Humensky, T. B., Kaaret, P., Kar, P., Kelley-Hoskins, N., Kertzman, M., Kieda, D., Krause, M., Krennrich, F., Lang, M. J., Maier, G., McCann, A., Moriarty, P., Mukherjee, R., Nieto, D., O'Brien, S., Ong, R. A., Otte, N., Park, N., Perkins, J., Pichel, A., Pohl, M., Popkow, A., Pueschel, E., Quinn, J., Ragan, K., Reynolds, P. T., Richards, G. T., Roache, E., Rovero, A. C., Rulten, C., Sadeh, I., Santander, M., Sembroski, G. H., Shahinyan, K., Telezhinsky, I., Tucci, J. V., Tyler, J., Wakely, S. P., Weinstein, A., Wilcox, P., Wilhelm, A., Williams, D. A., Zitzer, B., Razzaque, S., Villata, M., Raiteri, C. M., Aller, H. D., Aller, M. F., Larionov, V. M., Arkharov, A. A., Blinov, D. A., Efimova, N. V., Grishina, T. S., Hagen-Thorn, V. A., Kopatskaya, E. N., Larionova, L. V., Larionova, E. G., Morozova, D. A., Troitsky, I. S., Ligustri, R., Calcidese, P., Berdyugin, A., Kurtanidze, O. M., Nikolashvili, M. G., Kimeridze, G. N., Sigua, L. A., Kurtanidze, S. O., Chigladze, R. A., Chen, W. P., Koptelova, E., Sakamoto, T., Sadun, A. C., Moody, J. W., Pace, C., Pearson, R., Yatsu, Y., Mori, Y., Carraminyana, A., Carrasco, L., de la Fuente, E., Norris, J. P., Smith, P. S., Wehrle, A., Gurwell, M. A., Zook, A., Pagani, C., Perri, M., Capalbi, M., Cesarini, A., Krimm, H. A., Kovalev, Y. Y., Kovalev, Yu. A., Ros, E., Pushkarev, A. B., Lister, M. L., Sokolovsky, K. V., Kadler, M., Piner, G., Lähteenmäki, A., Tornikoski, M., Angelakis, E., Krichbaum, T. P., Nestoras, I., Fuhrmann, L., Zensus, J. A., Cassaro, P., Orlati, A., Maccaferri, G., Leto, P., Giroletti, M., Richards, J. L., Max-Moerbeck, W., Readhead, A. C. S., Multiband variability studies and novel broadband SED modeling of Mrk 501 in 2009, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2017, 603, 31, 30 pp.
- Alfonso-Garzón, J., Fabregat, J., Reig, P., Kajava, J. J. E., Sánchez-Fernández, C., Townsend, L. J., Mas-Hesse, J. M., Crawford, S. M., Kretschmar, P., Coe, M. J., Long-term optical and X-ray variability of the Be/X-ray binary H 1145-619: Discovery of an ongoing retrograde density wave, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2017, 607, 52, 13 pp.
- Andrews, J. J., Chanamé, Julio, Agüeros, Marcel A., Wide binaries in Tycho-Gaia: search method and the distribution of orbital separations, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2017, 472 (1), p.675-699
- Díaz-Santos, T., Armus, L., Charmandaris, V., Lu, N., Stierwalt, S., Stacey, G., Malhotra, S., van der Werf, P. P., Howell, J. H., Privon, G. C., Mazzarella, J. M., Goldsmith, P. F., Murphy, E. J., Barcos-Muñoz, L., Linden, S. T., Inami, H., Larson, K. L., Evans, A. S., Appleton, P., Iwasawa, K., Lord, S., Sanders, D. B., Surace, J. A., A Herschel/PACS Far-infrared Line Emission Survey of Local Luminous Infrared Galaxies, The Astrophysical Journal, 2017, 846 (1), 32, 22 pp.
- Eufrasio, R. T., Lehmer, B. D., Zezas, A., Dwek, E., Arendt, R. G., Basu-Zych, A., Wiklind, T., Yukita, M., Fragos, T., Hornschemeier, A. E., Markwardt, L., Ptak, A., Tzanavaris, P., On the Spatially Resolved Star Formation History in M51. I. Hybrid UV+IR Star Formation Laws and IR Emission from Dust Heated by Old Stars, The Astrophysical Journal, 2017, 851, 10, 16pp.
- Epitropakis, A., Papadakis, I. E., The X-ray continuum time-lags and intrinsic coherence in AGN, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2017, 468 (3), p.3568-3601
- Gliozzi, M., Papadakis, I. E., Grupe, D., Brinkmann, W. P., Räth, C., Long-term monitoring of Ark 120 with Swift, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2017, 464 (4), p.3955-3964
- González-Alfonso, E., Armus, L., Carrera, F. J., Charmandaris, V., Efstathiou, A., Egami, E., Fernández-Ontiveros, J. A., Fischer, J., Granato, G. L., Gruppioni, C., Hatziminaoglou, E., Imanishi, M., Isobe, N., Kaneda, H., Koziel-Wierzbowska, D., Malkan, M. A., Martín-Pintado, J., Mateos, S., Matsuhara, H., Miniutti, G., Nakagawa, T., Pozzi, F., Rico-Villas, F., Rodighiero, G., Roelfsema, P., Spinoglio, L., Spoon, H. W. W., Sturm, E., van der Tak, F., Vignali, C., Wang, L., Feedback and Feeding in the Context of Galaxy Evolution with SPICA: Direct Characterisation of Molecular Outflows and Inflows, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 2017, 34, 054, 17 pp.
- Gruppioni, C., Ciesla, L., Hatziminaoglou, E., Pozzi, F., Rodighiero, G., Santini, P., Armus, L., Baes, M., Braine, J., Charmandaris, V., Clements, D. L., Christopher, N., Dannerbauer, H., Efstathiou, A., Egami, E., Fernández-Ontiveros, J. A., Fontanot, F., Franceschini, A., González-Alfonso, E., Griffin, M., Kaneda, H., Marchetti, L., Monaco, P., Nakagawa, T., Onaka, T., Papadopoulos, A., Pearson, C., Pérez-Fournon, I., Peréz-González, P., Roelfsema, P., Scott, D., Serjeant, S., Spinoglio, L., Vaccari, M., van der Tak, F., Vignali, C., Wang, L., Wada, T., Tracing the Evolution of Dust Obscured Star Formation and Accretion Back to the Reionisation Epoch with SPICA, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 2017, 34, 055, 17 pp.
- Hong, J., Antoniou, V., Zezas, A., Haberl, F., Sasaki, M., Drake, J. J., Plucinsky, P. P., Laycock, S., Deep Chandra Survey of the Small Magellanic Cloud. II. Timing Analysis of X-Ray Pulsars, The Astrophysical Journal, 2017, 847, 26, 26 pp.
- Kammoun, E. S., Papadakis, I. E., The nature of X-ray spectral variability in MCG-6-30-15, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2017, 472 (3), pp. 3131-3146
- Kaneda, H., Ishihara, D., Oyabu, S., Yamagishi, M., Wada, T., Armus, L., Baes, M., Charmandaris, V., Czerny, B., Efstathiou, A., Fernández-Ontiveros, J. A., Ferrara, A., González-Alfonso, E., Griffin, M., Gruppioni, C., Hatziminaoglou, E., Imanishi, M., Kohno, K., Kwon, J., Nakagawa, T., Onaka, T., Pozzi, F., Scott, D., Smith, J.-D. T., Spinoglio, L., Suzuki, T., van der Tak, F., Vaccari, M., Vignali, C., Wang, L., Unbiased Large Spectroscopic Surveys of Galaxies Selected by SPICA Using Dust Bands, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 2017, 34, 059, 16 pp.
- Kiehlmann, S., Blinov, D., Pearson, T. J., Liodakis, I., Optical EVPA rotations in blazars: testing a stochastic variability model with RoboPol data, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2017, 472 (3), pp. 3589-3604
- Kylafis, N. D., A fraction of a light second away, Nature Astronomy, 2017, 1, p. 827-828
- Lehmer, B. D., Eufrasio, R. T., Markwardt, L., Zezas, A., Basu-Zych, A., Fragos, T., Hornschemeier, A. E., Ptak, A., Tzanavaris, P., Yukita, M., On the Spatially Resolved Star Formation History in M51. II. X-Ray Binary Population Evolution, ApJ, 2017, 851, 11, 19pp.
- Lico, R., Giroletti, M., Orienti, M., Costamante, L., Pavlidou, V., D'Ammando, F., Tavecchio, F., Exploring the connection between radio and GeV-TeV γ-ray emission in the 1FHL and 2FHL AGN samples, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2017, 606, 138, 8 pp.
- Liodakis, I., Blinov, D., Papadakis, I., Pavlidou, V., Estimating the distribution of rest-frame time-scales for blazar jets: a statistical approach, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2017, 465 (4), p.4783-4794
- Liodakis, I., Pavlidou, V., Angelakis, E., Detecting the elusive blazar counter-jets, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2017, 465 (1), p.180-191
- Liodakis, I., Pavlidou, V., Papadakis, I., Angelakis, E., Marchili, N., Zensus, J. A., Fuhrmann, L., Karamanavis, V,, Myserlis, I., Nestoras, I., Palaiologou, E., Readhead, A. C. S., Scale Invariant Jets: From Blazars to Microquasars, The Astrophysical Journal, 2017, 851 (2), 144, 8 pp.
- Liodakis, I., Pavlidou, V., Hovatta, T., Max-Moerbeck, W., Pearson, T. J., Richards, J. L., Readhead, A. C. S., Bimodal radio variability in OVRO-40 m-monitored blazars, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2017, 467 (4), p.4565-4576
- Liodakis, I., Zezas, A., Angelakis, E., Hovatta, T., Pavlidou, V., Reconciling inverse-Compton Doppler factors with variability Doppler factors in blazar jets, Reconciling inverse-Compton Doppler factors with variability Doppler factors in blazar jets, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2017, 602, 104, 8 pp.
- Liodakis, I., Zezas, A., Angelakis, E., Hovatta, T., Pavlidou, V., Reconciling inverse-Compton Doppler factors with variability Doppler factors in blazar jets, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2017, 602, 104, 8 pp.
- Lu, N., Zhao, Y., Díaz-Santos, T., Xu, C. K., Charmandaris, V., Gao, Y., van der Werf, P. P., Privon, G. C., Inami, H., Rigopoulou, D., Sanders, D. B., Zhu, L., ALMA [N II] 205 μm Imaging Spectroscopy of the Interacting Galaxy System BRI 1202-0725 at Redshift 4.7, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2017, 842 (2), L16, 6 pp.
- Lu, N., Zhao, Y., Díaz-Santos, T., Xu, C. K., Gao, Y., Armus, L., Isaak, K. G., Mazzarella, J. M., van der Werf, P. P., Appleton, P. N., Charmandaris, V., Evans, A. S., Howell, J., Iwasawa, K., Leech, J., Lord, S., Petric, A. O., Privon, G. C., Sanders, D. B., Schulz, B., Surace, J. A., A Herschel Space Observatory Spectral Line Survey of Local Luminous Infrared Galaxies from 194 to 671 Microns, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 2017, 230 (1), 1, 34 pp.
- Maragkoudakis, A., Zezas, A., Ashby, M. L. N., Willner, S. P., The sub-galactic and nuclear main sequences for local star-forming galaxies, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2017, 466, p.1192-1204
- Mathur, S., Gupta, A., Page, K., Pogge, R. W., Krongold, Y., Goad, M. R., Adams, S. M., Anderson, M. D., Arévalo, P., Barth, A. J., Bazhaw, C., Beatty, T. G., Bentz, M. C., Bigley, A., Bisogni, S., Borman, G. A., Boroson, T. A., Bottorff, M. C., Brandt, W. N., Breeveld, A. A., Brown, J. E., Brown, J. S., Cackett, E. M., Canalizo, G., Carini, M. T., Clubb, K. I., Comerford, J. M., Coker, C. T., Corsini, E. M., Crenshaw, D. M., Croft, S., Croxall, K. V., Dalla Bontà, E., Deason, A. J., Denney, K. D., De Lorenzo-Cáceres, A., De Rosa, G., Dietrich, M., Edelson, R., Ely, J., Eracleous, M., Evans, P. A., Fausnaugh, M. M., Ferland, G. J., Filippenko, A. V., Flatland, K., Fox, O. D., Gates, E. L., Gehrels, N., Geier, S., Gelbord, J. M., Gorjian, V., Greene, J. E., Grier, C. J., Grupe, D., Hall, P. B., Henderson, C. B., Hicks, S., Holmbeck, E., Holoien, T. W.-S., Horenstein, D., Horne, Keith, Hutchison, T., Im, M., Jensen, J. J., Johnson, C. A., Joner, M. D., Jones, J., Kaastra, J., Kaspi, S., Kelly, B. C., Kelly, P. L., Kennea, J. A., Kim, M., Kim, S., Kim, S. C., King, A., Klimanov, S. A., Kochanek, C. S., Korista, K. T., Kriss, G. A., Lau, M. W., Lee, J. C., Leonard, D. C., Li, M., Lira, P., Ma, Z., MacInnis, F., Manne-Nicholas, E. R., Malkan, M. A., Mauerhan, J. C., McGurk, R., McHardy, I. M., Montouri, C., Morelli, L., Mosquera, A., Mudd, D., Muller-Sanchez, F., Musso, R., Nazarov, S. V., Netzer, H., Nguyen, M. L., Norris, R. P., Nousek, J. A., Ochner, P., Okhmat, D. N., Ou-Yang, B., Pancoast, A., Papadakis, I., Parks, J. R., Pei, L., Peterson, B. M., Pizzella, A., Poleski, R., Pott, J.-U., Rafter, S. E., Rix, H.-W., Runnoe, J., Saylor, D. A., Schimoia, J. S., Schnülle, K., Sergeev, S. G., Shappee, B. J., Shivvers, I., Siegel, M., Simonian, G. V., Siviero, A., Skielboe, A., Somers, G., Spencer, M., Starkey, D., Stevens, D. J., Sung, H.-I., Tayar, J., Tejos, N., Turner, C. S., Uttley, P., Van Saders, J., Vestergaard, M., Vican, L., Villanueva, S., Jr., Villforth, C., Weiss, Y., Woo, J.-H., Yan, H., Young, S., Yuk, H., Zheng, W., Zhu, W., Zu, Y., Space Telescope and Optical Reverberation Mapping Project. VII. Understanding the Ultraviolet Anomaly in NGC 5548 with X-Ray Spectroscopy, The Astrophysical Journal, 2017, 846 (1), 55, 9 pp.
- Matson, R. A., Gies, D. R., Guo, Z., Williams, S. J., Radial Velocities of 41 Kepler Eclipsing Binaries, The Astronomical Journal, 2017, 154 (6), 216, 18 pp.
- Monageng, I. M., McBride, V. A., Coe, M. J., Steele, I. A., Reig, P., On the relationship between circumstellar disc size and X-ray outbursts in Be/X-ray binaries, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2017, 464 (1), p.572-585
- Ortiz, J. L., Santos-Sanz, P., Sicardy, B., Benedetti-Rossi, G., Bérard, D., Morales, N., Duffard, R., Braga-Ribas, F., Hopp, U., Ries, C., Nascimbeni, V., Marzari, F., Granata, V., Pál, A., Kiss, C., Pribulla, T., Komžík, R., Hornoch, K., Pravec, P., Bacci, P., Maestripieri, M., Nerli, L., Mazzei, L., Bachini, M., Martinelli, F., Succi, G., Ciabattari, F., Mikuz, H., Carbognani, A., Gaehrken, B., Mottola, S., Hellmich, S., Rommel, F. L., Fernández-Valenzuela, E., Bagatin, A. Campo, Cikota, S., Cikota, A., Lecacheux, J., Vieira-Martins, R., Camargo, J. I. B., Assafin, M., Colas, F., Behrend, R., Desmars, J., Meza, E., Alvarez-Candal, A., Beisker, W., Gomes-Junior, A. R., Morgado, B. E., Roques, F., Vachier, F., Berthier, J., Mueller, T. G., Madiedo, J. M., Unsalan, O., Sonbas, E., Karaman, N., Erece, O., Koseoglu, D. T., Ozisik, T., Kalkan, S., Guney, Y., Niaei, M. S., Satir, O., Yesilyaprak, C., Puskullu, C., Kabas, A., Demircan, O., Alikakos, J., Charmandaris, V., Leto, G., Ohlert, J., Christille, J. M., Szakáts, R., Farkas, A. Takácsné, Varga-Verebélyi, E., Marton, G., Marciniak, A., Bartczak, P., Santana-Ros, T., Butkiewicz-Bąk, M., Dudziński, G., Alí-Lagoa, V., Gazeas, K., Tzouganatos, L., Paschalis, N., Tsamis, V., Sánchez-Lavega, A., Pérez-Hoyos, S., Hueso, R., Guirado, J. C., Peris, V., Iglesias-Marzoa, R., The size, shape, density and ring of the dwarf planet Haumea from a stellar occultation, Nature, 2017, 550, 7675, pp. 219-223
- Panopoulou, G. V., Psaradaki, I., Skalidis, R., Tassis, K., Andrews, J. J., A closer look at the `characteristic' width of molecular cloud filaments Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2017, 466, 3, p.2529-2541
- Paolillo, M., Papadakis, I., Brandt, W. N., Luo, B., Xue, Y. Q., Tozzi, P., Shemmer, O., Allevato, V., Bauer, F. E., Comastri, A., Gilli, R., Koekemoer, A. M., Liu, T., Vignali, C., Vito, F., Yang, G., Wang, J. X., Zheng, X. C., Tracing the accretion history of supermassive black holes through X-ray variability: results from the ChandraDeep Field-South, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2017, 471 (4), p.4398-4411
- Pawar, P. K., Dewangan, G. C., Papadakis, I. E., Patil, M. K., Pal, Main, Kembhavi, A. K., Complex UV/X-ray variability of 1H 0707-495, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2017, 472 (3), pp. 2823-2832
- Pei, L., Fausnaugh, M. M., Barth, A. J., Peterson, B. M., Bentz, M. C., De Rosa, G., Denney, K. D., Goad, M. R., Kochanek, C. S., Korista, K. T., Kriss, G. A., Pogge, R. W., Bennert, V. N., Brotherton, M., Clubb, K. I., Dalla Bontà, E., Filippenko, A. V., Greene, J. E., Grier, C. J., Vestergaard, M., Zheng, W., Adams, Scott M., Beatty, Thomas G., Bigley, A., Brown, Jacob E., Brown, Jonathan S., Canalizo, G., Comerford, J. M., Coker, Carl T., Corsini, E. M., Croft, S., Croxall, K. V., Deason, A. J., Eracleous, Michael, Fox, O. D., Gates, E. L., Henderson, C. B., Holmbeck, E., Holoien, T. W.-S., Jensen, J. J., Johnson, C. A., Kelly, P. L., Kim, S., King, A., Lau, M. W., Li, Miao, Lochhaas, Cassandra, Ma, Zhiyuan, Manne-Nicholas, E. R., Mauerhan, J. C., Malkan, M. A., McGurk, R., Morelli, L., Mosquera, Ana, Mudd, Dale, Muller Sanchez, F., Nguyen, M. L., Ochner, P., Ou-Yang, B., Pancoast, A., Penny, Matthew T., Pizzella, A., Poleski, Radosław, Runnoe, Jessie, Scott, B., Schimoia, Jaderson S., Shappee, B. J., Shivvers, I., Simonian, Gregory V., Siviero, A., Somers, Garrett, Stevens, Daniel J., Strauss, M. A., Tayar, Jamie, Tejos, N., Treu, T., Van Saders, J., Vican, L., Villanueva, S., Jr., Yuk, H., Zakamska, N. L., Zhu, W., Anderson, M. D., Arévalo, P., Bazhaw, C., Bisogni, S., Borman, G. A., Bottorff, M. C., Brandt, W. N., Breeveld, A. A., Cackett, E. M., Carini, M. T., Crenshaw, D. M., De Lorenzo-Cáceres, A., Dietrich, M., Edelson, R., Efimova, N. V., Ely, J., Evans, P. A., Ferland, G. J., Flatland, K., Gehrels, N., Geier, S., Gelbord, J. M., Grupe, D., Gupta, A., Hall, P. B., Hicks, S., Horenstein, D., Horne, Keith, Hutchison, T., Im, M., Joner, M. D., Jones, J., Kaastra, J., Kaspi, S., Kelly, B. C., Kennea, J. A., Kim, M., Kim, S. C., Klimanov, S. A., Lee, J. C., Leonard, D. C., Lira, P., MacInnis, F., Mathur, S., McHardy, I. M., Montouri, C., Musso, R., Nazarov, S. V., Netzer, H., Norris, R. P., Nousek, J. A., Okhmat, D. N., Papadakis, I., Parks, J. R., Pott, J.-U., Rafter, S. E., Rix, H.-W., Saylor, D. A., Schnülle, K., Sergeev, S. G., Siegel, M., Skielboe, A., Spencer, M., Starkey, D., Sung, H.-I., Teems, K. G., Turner, C. S., Uttley, P., Villforth, C., Weiss, Y., Woo, J.-H., Yan, H., Young, S., Zu, Y., Space Telescope and Optical Reverberation Mapping Project. V. Optical Spectroscopic Campaign and Emission-line Analysis for NGC 5548, The Astrophysical Journal, 2017, 837 (2), 131, 21 pp.
- Raiteri, C. M., Nicastro, F., Stamerra, A., Villata, M., Larionov, V. M., Blinov, D., Acosta-Pulido, J. A., Arévalo, M. J., Arkharov, A. A., Bachev, R., Borman, G. A., Carnerero, M. I., Carosati, D., Cecconi, M., Chen, W.-P., Damljanovic, G., Di Paola, A., Ehgamberdiev, Sh. A., Frasca, A., Giroletti, M., González-Morales, P. A., Griñon-Marín, A. B., Grishina, T. S., Huang, P.-C., Ibryamov, S., Klimanov, S. A., Kopatskaya, E. N., Kurtanidze, O. M., Kurtanidze, S. O., Lähteenmäki, A., Larionova, E. G., Larionova, L. V., Lázaro, C., Leto, G., Liodakis, I., Martínez-Lombilla, C., Mihov, B., Mirzaqulov, D. O., Mokrushina, A. A., Moody, J. W., Morozova, D. A., Nazarov, S. V., Nikolashvili, M. G., Ohlert, J. M., Panopoulou, G. V., Pastor Yabar, A., Pinna, F., Protasio, C., Rizzi, N., Sadun, A. C., Savchenko, S. S., Semkov, E., Sigua, L. A., Slavcheva-Mihova, L., Strigachev, A., Tornikoski, M., Troitskaya, Yu. V., Troitsky, I. S., Vasilyev, A. A., Vera, R. J. C., Vince, O., Zanmar Sanchez, R., Synchrotron emission from the blazar PG 1553+113. An analysis of its flux and polarization variability, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2017, 466 (3), p.3762-3774
- Reig, P., Blay, P., Blinov, D., The optical counterpart to the Be/X-ray binary SAX J2239.3+6116, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2017, 598, 16, 10 pp.
- Tsouros, A., Kylafis, N. D., The energy distribution of electrons in radio jets, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2017, 603, 4, 4 pp.
- Uemura, M., Itoh, R., Liodakis, I., Blinov, D., Nakayama, M., Xu, L., Sawada, N., Wu, H.-Y., Fujishiro, I., Optical polarization variations in the blazar PKS 1749+096, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 2017, 69 (6), 96
- Vasilopoulos, G., Zezas, A., Antoniou, V., Haberl, F., SXP 15.6: X-ray spectral and temporal properties of a newly discovered pulsar in the Small Magellanic Cloud, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2017, 470 (4) p.4354-4362
- Vedantham, H. K., Readhead, A. C. S., Hovatta, T., Pearson, T. J., Blandford, R. D., Gurwell, M. A., Lähteenmäki, A., Max-Moerbeck, W., Pavlidou, V., Ravi, V., Reeves, R. A., Richards, J. L., Tornikoski, M., Zensus, J. A., Symmetric Achromatic Variability in Active Galaxies: A Powerful New Gravitational Lensing Probe?, The Astrophysical Journal, 2017, 845 (2), 89, 16 pp.
- Vedantham, H. K., Readhead, A. C. S., Hovatta, T., Koopmans, L. V. E., Pearson, T. J., Blandford, R. D., Gurwell, M. A., Lähteenmäki, A., Max-Moerbeck, W., Pavlidou, V., Ravi, V., Reeves, R. A., Richards, J. L., Tornikoski, M., Zensus, J. A., The Peculiar Light Curve of J1415+1320: A Case Study in Extreme Scattering Events, The Astrophysical Journal, 2017, 845 (2), 90, 9 pp.
- Vika, M., Ciesla, L., Charmandaris, V., Xilouris, E. M., Lebouteiller, V., The physical properties of Spitzer/IRS galaxies derived from their UV to 22 μm spectral energy distribution, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2017, 597, 51, 13 pp.
- Yukita, M., Ptak, A., Hornschemeier, A. E., Wik, D., Maccarone, T. J., Pottschmidt, K., Zezas, A., Antoniou, V., Ballhausen, R., Lehmer, B. D., Lien, A., Williams, B., Baganoff, F., Boyd, P. T., Enoto, T., Kennea, J., Page, K. L., Choi, Y., Identification of the Hard X-Ray Source Dominating the E > 25 keV Emission of the Nearby Galaxy M31, The Astrophysical Journal, 2017, 838, 47, 10pp.
- Yang, J., Laycock, S. G. T., Drake, J. J., Coe, M. J., Fingerman, S., Hong, J., Antoniou, V., Zezas, A., A multi-observatory database of X-ray pulsars in the Magellanic Clouds, Astronomische Nachrichten, 2017, 338, 2-3, pp. 220-226
- Żejmo, M., Słowikowska, A., Krzeszowski, K., Reig, P., Blinov, D., Optical linear polarization of 74 white dwarfs with the RoboPol polarimeter, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2017, 464 (2), p.1294-1305
- Zhao, Y., Lu, N., Díaz-Santos, T., Xu, C. K., Gao, Y., Charmandaris, V., van der Werf, P., Zhang, Z.-Y., Cao, C., ALMA Maps of Dust and Warm Dense Gas Emission in the Starburst Galaxy IC 5179, The Astrophysical Journal, 2017, 845 (1), 58, 10 pp.
2016 - [56]
- Ahnen, M. L., Ansoldi, S., Antonelli, L. A., Antoranz, P., Babic, A., Banerjee, B., Bangale, P., Barres de Almeida, U., Barrio, J. A., Becerra González, J., Bednarek, W., Bernardini, E., Biasuzzi, B., Biland, A., Blanch, O., Bonnefoy, S., Bonnoli, G., Borracci, F., Bretz, T., Buson, S., Carosi, A., Chatterjee, A., Clavero, R., Colin, P., Colombo, E., Contreras, J. L., Cortina, J., Covino, S., Da Vela, P., Dazzi, F., De Angelis, A., De Lotto, B., de Oña Wilhelmi, E., Di Pierro, F., Domínguez, A., Dominis Prester, D., Dorner, D., Doro, M., Einecke, S., Eisenacher Glawion, D., Elsaesser, D., Fernández-Barral, A., Fidalgo, D., Fonseca, M. V., Font, L., Frantzen, K., Fruck, C., Galindo, D., García López, R. J., Garczarczyk, M., Garrido Terrats, D., Gaug, M., Giammaria, P., Godinović, N., González Muñoz, A., Gora, D., Guberman, D., Hadasch, D., Hahn, A., Hanabata, Y., Hayashida, M., Herrera, J., Hose, J., Hrupec, D., Hughes, G., Idec, W., Kodani, K., Konno, Y., Kubo, H., Kushida, J., La Barbera, A., Lelas, D., Lindfors, E., Lombardi, S., Longo, F., López, M., López-Coto, R., Majumdar, P., Makariev, M., Mallot, K., Maneva, G., Manganaro, M., Mannheim, K., Maraschi, L., Marcote, B., Mariotti, M., Martínez, M., Mazin, D., Menzel, U., Miranda, J. M., Mirzoyan, R., Moralejo, A., Moretti, E., Nakajima, D., Neustroev, V., Niedzwiecki, A., Nievas Rosillo, M., Nilsson, K., Nishijima, K., Noda, K., Nogués, L., Orito, R., Overkemping, A., Paiano, S., Palacio, J., Palatiello, M., Paneque, D., Paoletti, R., Paredes, J. M., Paredes-Fortuny, X., Pedaletti, G., Perri, L., Persic, M., Poutanen, J., Prada Moroni, P. G., Prandini, E., Puljak, I., Rhode, W., Ribó, M., Rico, J., Rodriguez Garcia, J., Saito, T., Satalecka, K., Schultz, C., Schweizer, T., Shore, S. N., Sillanpää, A., Sitarek, J., Snidaric, I., Sobczynska, D., Stamerra, A., Steinbring, T., Strzys, M., Takalo, L., Takami, H., Tavecchio, F., Temnikov, P., Terzić, T., Tescaro, D., Teshima, M., Thaele, J., Torres, D. F., Toyama, T., Treves, A., Verguilov, V., Vovk, I., Ward, J. E., Will, M., Wu, M. H., Zanin, R., Blinov, D. A., Chen, W. P., Efimova, N. V., Forné, E., Grishina, T. S., Hovatta, T., Jordan, B., Kimeridze, G. N., Kopatskaya, E. N., Koptelova, E., Kurtanidze, O. M., Kurtanidze, S. O., Lähteenmaäki, A., Larionov, V. M., Larionova, E. G., Larionova, L. V., Ligustri, R., Lin, H. C., McBreen, B., Morozova, D. A., Nikolashvili, M. G., Raiteri, C. M., Ros, J. A., Sadun, A. C., Sigua, L. A., Tornikoski, M., Troitsky, I. S., Villata, M., Long-term multi-wavelength variability and correlation study of Markarian 421 from 2007 to 2009, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2016, 593, 91, 12pp.
- Akras, S., Clyne, N., Boumis, P., Monteiro, H., Gonçalves, D. R., Redman, M. P., Williams, S., Deciphering the bipolar planetary nebula Abell 14 with 3D ionization and morphological studies, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2016. 457(4): p. 3409-3419.
- Anastasopoulou, K., Zezas, A., Ballo, L., Della Ceca, R., A deep Chandra observation of the interacting star-forming galaxy Arp 299, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2016. 460(4): p.3570-3586.
- Andrews, J. J., Agüeros, M., Brown, W. R., Gosnell, N. M., Gianninas, A., Kilic, M., Koester, D., Today a Duo, but Once a Trio? The Double White Dwarf HS 2220+2146 May Be a Post-blue Straggler Binary, The Astrophysical Journal, 2016, 828(1),38, 11pp.
- Angelakis, E., Hovatta, T., Blinov, D., Pavlidou, V., Kiehlmann, S., Myserlis, I., Böttcher, M., Mao, P., Panopoulou, G. V., Liodakis, I., King, O. G., Baloković, M., Kus, A., Kylafis, N., Mahabal, A., Marecki, A., Paleologou, E., Papadakis, I., Papamastorakis, I., Pazderski, E., Pearson, T. J., Prabhudesai, S., Ramaprakash, A. N., Readhead, A. C. S., Reig, P., Tassis, K., Urry, M., Zensus, J. A., RoboPol: the optical polarization of gamma-ray-loud and gamma-ray-quiet blazars Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2016. 463(3): p.3365-3380.
- Antoniou, V., Zezas, A., Star formation history and X-ray binary populations: the case of the Large Magellanic Cloud, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2016. 459(1): p.528-553.
- Baloković, M., Paneque, D., Madejski, G., Furniss, A., Chiang, J., Ajello, M., Alexander, D. M., Barret, D., Blandford, R. D., Boggs, S. E., Christensen, F. E., Craig, W. W., Forster, K., Giommi, P., Grefenstette, B., Hailey, C., Harrison, F. A., Hornstrup, A., Kitaguchi, T., Koglin, J. E., Madsen, K. K., Mao, P. H., Miyasaka, H., Mori, K., Perri, M., Pivovaroff, M. J., Puccetti, S., Rana, V., Stern, D., Tagliaferri, G., Urry, C. M., Westergaard, N. J., Zhang, W. W., Zoglauer, A., NuSTAR Team, Archambault, S., Archer, A., Barnacka, A., Benbow, W., Bird, R., Buckley, J. H., Bugaev, V., Cerruti, M., Chen, X., Ciupik, L., Connolly, M. P., Cui, W., Dickinson, H. J., Dumm, J., Eisch, J. D., Falcone, A., Feng, Q., Finley, J. P., Fleischhack, H., Fortson, L., Griffin, S., Griffiths, S. T., Grube, J., Gyuk, G., Huetten, M., Håkansson, N., Holder, J., Humensky, T. B., Johnson, C. A., Kaaret, P., Kertzman, M., Khassen, Y., Kieda, D., Krause, M., Krennrich, F., Lang, M. J., Maier, G., McArthur, S., Meagher, K., Moriarty, P., Nelson, T., Nieto, D., Ong, R. A., Park, N., Pohl, M., Popkow, A., Pueschel, E., Reynolds, P. T., Richards, G. T., Roache, E., Santander, M., Sembroski, G. H., Shahinyan, K., Smith, A. W., Staszak, D., Telezhinsky, I., Todd, N. W., Tucci, J. V., Tyler, J., Vincent, S., Weinstein, A., Wilhelm, A., Williams, D. A., Zitzer, B., VERITAS Collaboration, Ahnen, M. L., Ansoldi, S., Antonelli, L. A., Antoranz, P., Babic, A., Banerjee, B., Bangale, P., Barres de Almeida, U., Barrio, J. A., Becerra González, J., Bednarek, W., Bernardini, E., Biasuzzi, B., Biland, A., Blanch, O., Bonnefoy, S., Bonnoli, G., Borracci, F., Bretz, T., Carmona, E., Carosi, A., Chatterjee, A., Clavero, R., Colin, P., Colombo, E., Contreras, J. L., Cortina, J., Covino, S., Da Vela, P., Dazzi, F., De Angelis, A., De Lotto, B., de Oña Wilhelmi, E., Delgado Mendez, C., Di Pierro, F., Dominis Prester, D., Dorner, D., Doro, M., Einecke, S., Elsaesser, D., Fernández-Barral, A., Fidalgo, D., Fonseca, M. V., Font, L., Frantzen, K., Fruck, C., Galindo, D., García López, R. J., Garczarczyk, M., Garrido Terrats, D., Gaug, M., Giammaria, P., Glawion (Eisenacher, D., Godinović, N., González Muñoz, A., Guberman, D., Hahn, A., Hanabata, Y., Hayashida, M., Herrera, J., Hose, J., Hrupec, D., Hughes, G., Idec, W., Kodani, K., Konno, Y., Kubo, H., Kushida, J., La Barbera, A., Lelas, D., Lindfors, E., Lombardi, S., Longo, F., López, M., López-Coto, R., López-Oramas, A., Lorenz, E., Majumdar, P., Makariev, M., Mallot, K., Maneva, G., Manganaro, M., Mannheim, K., Maraschi, L., Marcote, B., Mariotti, M., Martínez, M., Mazin, D., Menzel, U., Miranda, J. M., Mirzoyan, R., Moralejo, A., Moretti, E., Nakajima, D., Neustroev, V., Niedzwiecki, A., Nievas Rosillo, M., Nilsson, K., Nishijima, K., Noda, K., Orito, R., Overkemping, A., Paiano, S., Palacio, J., Palatiello, M., Paoletti, R., Paredes, J. M., Paredes-Fortuny, X., Persic, M., Poutanen, J., Prada Moroni, P. G., Prandini, E., Puljak, I., Rhode, W., Ribó, M., Rico, J., Rodriguez Garcia, J., Saito, T., Satalecka, K., Scapin, V., Schultz, C., Schweizer, T., Shore, S. N., Sillanpää, A., Sitarek, J., Snidaric, I., Sobczynska, D., Stamerra, A., Steinbring, T., Strzys, M., Takalo, L., Takami, H., Tavecchio, F., Temnikov, P., Terzić, T., Tescaro, D., Teshima, M., Thaele, J., Torres, D. F., Toyama, T., Treves, A., Verguilov, V., Vovk, I., Ward, J. E., Will, M., Wu, M. H., Zanin, R., MAGIC Collaboration, Perkins, J., Verrecchia, F., Leto, C., Böttcher, M., Villata, M., Raiteri, C. M., Acosta-Pulido, J. A., Bachev, R., Berdyugin, A., Blinov, D. A., Carnerero, M. I., Chen, W. P., Chinchilla, P., Damljanovic, G., Eswaraiah, C., Grishina, T. S., Ibryamov, S., Jordan, B., Jorstad, S. G., Joshi, M., Kopatskaya, E. N., Kurtanidze, O. M., Kurtanidze, S. O., Larionova, E. G., Larionova, L. V., Larionov, V. M., Latev, G., Lin, H. C., Marscher, A. P., Mokrushina, A. A., Morozova, D. A., Nikolashvili, M. G., Semkov, E., Smith, P. S., Strigachev, A., Troitskaya, Yu. V., Troitsky, I. S., Vince, O., Barnes, J., Güver, T., Moody, J. W., Sadun, A. C., Sun, S., Hovatta, T., Richards, J. L., Max-Moerbeck, W., Readhead, A. C. R., Lähteenmäki, A., Tornikoski, M., Tammi, J., Ramakrishnan, V., Reinthal, R., Angelakis, E., Fuhrmann, L., Myserlis, I., Karamanavis, V., Sievers, A., Ungerechts, H., Zensus, J. A., Multiwavelength Study of Quiescent States of Mrk 421 with Unprecedented Hard X-Ray Coverage Provided by NuSTAR in 2013, The Astrophysical Journal, 2016, 819(2), 156, 30 pp.
- Basu-Zych, A. R., Lehmer, B., Fragos, T., Hornschemeier, A., Yukita, M., Zezas, A., Ptak, A., Exploring the Overabundance of ULXs in Metal- and Dust-poor Local Lyman Break Analogs, The Astrophysical Journal, 2016, 818(2), 140, 13 pp.
- Bhagwan, Jai, Gupta, A. C., Papadakis, I. E., Wiita, Paul J., Flux and spectral variability of the blazar PKS 2155 -304 with XMM-Newton: Evidence of particle acceleration and synchrotron cooling, New Astronomy, 2016, 44, p. 21-28.
- Bitsakis, T., Dultzin, D., Ciesla, L., Díaz-Santos, T., Appleton, P. N., Charmandaris, V., Krongold, Y., Guillard, P., Alatalo, K., Zezas, A., González, J., Lanz, L., Studying the evolution of galaxies in compact groups over the past 3 Gyr - II. The importance of environment in the suppression of star formation, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2016. 459(1): p.957-970.
- Blinov, D., Pavlidou, V., Papadakis, I., Kiehlmann, S., Liodakis, I., Panopoulou, G. V., Pearson, T. J., Angelakis, E., Baloković, M., Hovatta, T., Joshi, V., King, O. G., Kus, A., Kylafis, N., Mahabal, A., Marecki, A., Myserlis, I., Paleologou, E., Papamastorakis, I., Pazderski, E., Prabhudesai, S., Ramaprakash, A., Readhead, A. C. S., Reig, P., Tassis, K., Zensus, J. A., RoboPol: do optical polarization rotations occur in all blazars? Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2016. 462(2): p.1775-1785.
- Blinov, D., Pavlidou, V., Papadakis, I. E., Hovatta, T., Pearson, T. J., Liodakis, I., Panopoulou, G. V., Angelakis, E., Baloković, M., Das, H., Khodade, P., Kiehlmann, S., King, O. G., Kus, A., Kylafis, N., Mahabal, A., Marecki, A., Modi, D., Myserlis, I., Paleologou, E., Papamastorakis, I., Pazderska, B., Pazderski, E., Rajarshi, C., Ramaprakash, A., Readhead, A. C. S., Reig, P., Tassis, K., Zensus, J. A., RoboPol: optical polarization-plane rotations and flaring activity in blazars Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2016. 457(2): p.2252-2262.
- Brightman, M., Harrison, F., Walton, D. J., Fuerst, F., Hornschemeier, A., Zezas, A., Bachetti, M., Grefenstette, B., Ptak, A., Tendulkar, S., Yukita, M., Spectral and Temporal Properties of the Ultraluminous X-Ray Pulsar in M82 from 15 years of Chandra Observations and Analysis of the Pulsed Emission Using NuSTAR, The Astrophysical Journal, 2016, 816(2), 60, 9 pp.
- Casadio, C., Gómez, J., Jorstad, S., Marscher, A., Grandi, P., Larionov, V., Lister, M., Smith, P., Gurwell, M., Lähteenmäki, A., Agudo, I., Molina, S., Bala, V., Joshi, M., Taylor, B., Williamson, K., Kovalev, Y., Savolainen, T., Pushkarev, A., Arkharov, A., Blinov, D., Borman, G., Di Paola, A., Grishina, T., Hagen-Thorn, V., Itoh, R., Kopatskaya, E., Larionova, E., Larionova, L., Morozova, D., Rastorgueva-Foi, E., Sergeev, S., Tornikoski, M., Troitsky, I., Thum, C.. Wiesemeyer, H., The Connection between the Radio Jet and the γ-ray Emission in the Radio Galaxy 3C 120 and the Blazar CTA 102, Galaxies, 2016, 4(4), 34, 9pp.
- Clemens, Dan P., Tassis, K., Goldsmith, Paul F., The Magnetic Field of L1544. I. Near-infrared Polarimetry and the Non-uniform Envelope, The Astrophysical Journal, 2016, 833(2), p. 176-192.
- Ciesla, L., Boselli, A., Elbaz, D., Boissier, S., Buat, V., Charmandaris, V., Schreiber, C., Béthermin, M., Baes, M., Boquien, M., De Looze, I., Fernández-Ontiveros, J. A., Pappalardo, C., Spinoglio, L., Viaene, S., The imprint of rapid star formation quenching on the spectral energy distributions of galaxies, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2016, 585, 43, 12 pp.
- Diamond-Stanic, A. M., Coil, A. L., Moustakas, J., Tremonti, C. A., Sell, P. H., Mendez, A. J., Hickox, R. C., Rudnick, G. H., Galaxies Probing Galaxies at High Resolution: Co-rotating Gas Associated with a Milky Way Analog at z=0.4, The Astrophysical Journal, 2016, 824(1), 24, 13pp.
- Emmanoulopoulos, D., McHardy, I. M., Vaughan, S., Papadakis, I. E., Extensive X-ray variability studies of NGC 7314 using long XMM-Newton observations, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2016. 460(3): p.2413-2431.
- Emmanoulopoulos, D., Papadakis, I. E., Epitropakis, A., Pecháček, T., Dovčiak, M., McHardy, I. M., A search for X-ray reprocessing echoes in the power spectral density functions of AGN, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2016. 461(2): p.1642-1655.
- Epitropakis, A., Papadakis, I. E., Dovčiak, M., Pecháček, T., Emmanoulopoulos, D., Karas, V., McHardy, I. M., Theoretical modelling of the AGN iron line vs. continuum time-lags in the lamp-post geometry, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2016, 594, 71, 17pp.
- Epitropakis, A., Papadakis, I. E., Statistical properties of Fourier-based time-lag estimates, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2016, 591, 113, 29pp.
- Fausnaugh, M. M., Denney, K. D., Barth, A. J., Bentz, M. C., Bottorff, M. C., Carini, M. T., Croxall, K. V., De Rosa, G., Goad, M. R., Horne, Keith, Joner, M. D., Kaspi, S., Kim, M., Klimanov, S. A., Kochanek, C. S., Leonard, D. C., Netzer, H., Peterson, B. M., Schnülle, K., Sergeev, S. G., Vestergaard, M., Zheng, W.-K., Zu, Y., Anderson, M. D., Arévalo, P., Bazhaw, C., Borman, G. A., Boroson, T. A., Brandt, W. N., Breeveld, A. A., Brewer, B. J., Cackett, E. M., Crenshaw, D. M., Dalla Bontà, E., De Lorenzo-Cáceres, A., Dietrich, M., Edelson, R., Efimova, N. V., Ely, J., Evans, P. A., Filippenko, A. V., Flatland, K., Gehrels, N., Geier, S., Gelbord, J. M., Gonzalez, L., Gorjian, V., Grier, C. J., Grupe, D., Hall, P. B., Hicks, S., Horenstein, D., Hutchison, T., Im, M., Jensen, J. J., Jones, J., Kaastra, J., Kelly, B. C., Kennea, J. A., Kim, S. C., Korista, K. T., Kriss, G. A., Lee, J. C., Lira, P., MacInnis, F., Manne-Nicholas, E. R., Mathur, S., McHardy, I. M., Montouri, C., Musso, R., Nazarov, S. V., Norris, R. P., Nousek, J. A., Okhmat, D. N., Pancoast, A., Papadakis, I., Parks, J. R., Pei, L., Pogge, R. W., Pott, J.-U., Rafter, S. E., Rix, H.-W., Saylor, D. A., Schimoia, J. S., Siegel, M., Spencer, M., Starkey, D., Sung, H.-I., Teems, K. G., Treu, T., Turner, C. S., Uttley, P., Villforth, C., Weiss, Y., Woo, J.-H., Yan, H., Young, S., Space Telescope and Optical Reverberation Mapping Project. III. Optical Continuum Emission and Broadband Time Delays in NGC 5548, The Astrophysical Journal, 2016, 821(1), 56, 25 pp.
- Fuhrmann, L., Angelakis, E., Zensus, J. A., Nestoras, I., Marchili, N., Pavlidou, V., Karamanavis, V., Ungerechts, H., Krichbaum, T. P., Larsson, S., Lee, S. S., Max-Moerbeck, W., Myserlis, I., Pearson, T. J., Readhead, A. C. S., Richards, J. L., Sievers, A., Sohn, B. W., The F-GAMMA programme: multi-frequency study of active galactic nuclei in the Fermi era. Programme description and the first 2.5 years of monitoring, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2016, 597, 45, 18pp.
- Giroletti, M., Massaro, F., D'Abrusco, R., Lico, R., Burlon, D., Hurley-Walker, N., Johnston-Hollitt, M., Morgan, J., Pavlidou, V., Bell, M., Bernardi, G., Bhat, R., Bowman, J. D., Briggs, F., Cappallo, R. J., Corey, B. E., Deshpande, A. A., Ewall-Rice, A., Emrich, D., Gaensler, B. M., Goeke, R., Greenhill, L. J., Hazelton, B. J., Hindson, L., Kaplan, D. L., Kasper, J. C., Kratzenberg, E., Feng, L., Jacobs, D., Kudryavtseva, N., Lenc, E., Lonsdale, C. J., Lynch, M. J., McKinley, B., McWhirter, S. R., Mitchell, D. A., Morales, M. F., Morgan, E., Oberoi, D., Offringa, A. R., Ord, S. M., Pindor, B., Prabu, T., Procopio, P., Riding, J., Rogers, A. E. E., Roshi, A., Udaya Shankar, N., Srivani, K. S., Subrahmanyan, R., Tingay, S. J., Waterson, M., Wayth, R. B., Webster, R. L., Whitney, A. R., Williams, A., Williams, C. L., High-energy sources at low radio frequency: the Murchison Widefield Array view of Fermi blazars, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2016, 588, 141, 9 pp.
- Goad, M. R., Korista, K. T., De Rosa, G., Kriss, G. A., Edelson, R., Barth, A. J., Ferland, G. J., Kochanek, C. S., Netzer, H., Peterson, B. M., Bentz, M. C., Bisogni, S., Crenshaw, D. M., Denney, K. D., Ely, J., Fausnaugh, M. M., Grier, C. J., Gupta, A., Horne, K. D., Kaastra, J., Pancoast, A., Pei, L., Pogge, R. W., Skielboe, A., Starkey, D., Vestergaard, M., Zu, Y., Anderson, M. D., Arévalo, P., Bazhaw, C., Borman, G. A., Boroson, T. A., Bottorff, M. C., Brandt, W. N., Breeveld, A. A., Brewer, B. J., Cackett, E. M., Carini, M. T., Croxall, K. V., Dalla Bontà, E., De Lorenzo-Cáceres, A., Dietrich, M., Efimova, N. V., Evans, P. A., Filippenko, A. V., Flatland, K., Gehrels, N., Geier, S., Gelbord, J. M., Gonzalez, L., Gorjian, V., Grupe, D., Hall, P. B., Hicks, S., Horenstein, D., Hutchison, T., Im, M., Jensen, J. J., Joner, M. D., Jones, J., Kaspi, S., Kelly, B. C., Kennea, J. A., Kim, M., Kim, S. C., Klimanov, S. A., Lee, J. C., Leonard, D. C., Lira, P., MacInnis, F., Manne-Nicholas, E. R., Mathur, S., McHardy, I. M., Montouri, C., Musso, R., Nazarov, S. V., Norris, R. P., Nousek, J. A., Okhmat, D. N., Papadakis, I., Parks, J. R., Pott, J.-U., Rafter, S. E., Rix, H.-W., Saylor, D. A., Schimoia, J. S., Schnülle, K., Sergeev, S. G., Siegel, M., Spencer, M., Sung, H.-I., Teems, K. G., Treu, T., Turner, C. S., Uttley, P., Villforth, C., Weiss, Y., Woo, J.-H., Yan, H., Young, S., Zheng, W.-K., Space Telescope and Optical Reverberation Mapping Project. IV. Anomalous Behavior of the Broad Ultraviolet Emission Lines in NGC 5548, The Astrophysical Journal, 2016, 824(1), 11, 10pp.
- Gordillo-Vázquez, F. J., Luque, A., Haldoupis, C., Upper D region chemical kinetic modeling of LORE relaxation times, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 2016, 121(4), p. 3525-3544.
- Hong, J., Antoniou, V., Zezas, A., Haberl, F., Drake, J. J., Plucinsky, P. P., Gaetz, T., Sasaki, M., Williams, B., Long, K. S., Blair, W. P., Winkler, P. F., Wright, N. J., Laycock, S., Udalski, A., SXP 214: An X-Ray Pulsar in the Small Magellanic Cloud, Crossing the Circumstellar Disk of the Companion, The Astrophysical Journal, 2016, 826(1), 4, 8pp.
- Hovatta, T., Lindfors, E., Blinov, D., Pavlidou, V., Nilsson, K., Kiehlmann, S., Angelakis, E., Fallah Ramazani, V., Liodakis, I., Myserlis, I., Panopoulou, G. V., Pursimo, T., Optical polarization of high-energy BL Lacertae objects, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2016, 596, 78, 24pp.
- Hung, C.-L., Hayward, C. C., Smith, H. A., Ashby, M. L. N., Lanz, L., Martínez-Galarza, J. R., Sanders, D. B., Zezas, A., Merger Signatures in the Dynamics of Star-forming Gas, The Astrophysical Journal, 2016, 816(2), 99, 12 pp.
- Kiehlmann, S., Savolainen, T., Jorstad, S. G., Sokolovsky, K. V., Schinzel, F. K., Marscher, A. P., Larionov, V. M., Agudo, I., Akitaya, H., Benítez, E., Berdyugin, A., Blinov, D. A., Bochkarev, N. G., Borman, G. A., Burenkov, A. N., Casadio, C., Doroshenko, V. T., Efimova, N. V., Fukazawa, Y., Gómez, J. L., Grishina, T. S., Hagen-Thorn, V. A., Heidt, J., Hiriart, D., Itoh, R., Joshi, M., Kawabata, K. S., Kimeridze, G. N., Kopatskaya, E. N., Korobtsev, I. V., Krajci, T., Kurtanidze, O. M., Kurtanidze, S. O., Larionova, E. G., Larionova, L. V., Lindfors, E., López, J. M., McHardy, I. M., Molina, S. N., Moritani, Y., Morozova, D. A., Nazarov, S. V., Nikolashvili, M. G., Nilsson, K., Pulatova, N. G., Reinthal, R., Sadun, A., Sasada, M., Savchenko, S. S., Sergeev, S. G., Sigua, L. A., Smith, P. S., Sorcia, M., Spiridonova, O. I., Takaki, K., Takalo, L. O., Taylor, B., Troitsky, I. S., Uemura, M., Ugolkova, L. S., Ui, T., Yoshida, M., Zensus, J. A., Zhdanova, V. E., Polarization angle swings in blazars: The case of 3C 279, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2016, 590, 10, 20pp.
- Larionov, V. M., Villata, M., Raiteri, C. M., Jorstad, S. G., Marscher, A. P., Agudo, I., Smith, P. S., Acosta-Pulido, J. A., ˙arévalo, M. J., Arkharov, A. A., Bachev, R., Blinov, D. A., Borisov, G., Borman, G. A., Bozhilov, V., Bueno, A., Carnerero, M. I., Carosati, D., Casadio, C., Chen, W. P., Clemens, D. P., Di Paola, A., Ehgamberdiev, Sh. A., Gómez, J. L., González-Morales, P. A., Griñón-Marín, A., Grishina, T. S., Hagen-Thorn, V. A., Ibryamov, S., Itoh, R., Joshi, M., Kopatskaya, E. N., Koptelova, E., Lázaro, C., Larionova, E. G., Larionova, L. V., Manilla-Robles, A., Metodieva, Y., Milanova, Yu. V., Mirzaqulov, D. O., Molina, S. N., Morozova, D. A., Nazarov, S. V., Ovcharov, E., Peneva, S., Ros, J. A., Sadun, A. C., Savchenko, S. S., Semkov, E., Sergeev, S. G., Strigachev, A., Troitskaya, Yu. V., Troitsky, I. S., Exceptional outburst of the blazar CTA 102 in 2012: the GASP-WEBT campaign and its extension, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2016. 461(3): p.3047-3056.
- Lehmer, B. D., Basu-Zych, A. R., Mineo, S., Brandt, W. N., Eufrasio, R. T., Fragos, T., Hornschemeier, A. E., Luo, B., Xue, Y. Q., Bauer, F. E., Gilfanov, M., Ranalli, P., Schneider, D. P., Shemmer, O., Tozzi, P., Trump, J. R., Vignali, C., Wang, J.-X., Yukita, M., Zezas, A., The Evolution of Normal Galaxy X-Ray Emission through Cosmic History: Constraints from the 6 MS Chandra Deep Field-South, The Astrophysical Journal, 2016, 825(1), 7, 24pp.
- Lindfors, E. J., Hovatta, T., Nilsson, K., Reinthal, R., Fallah Ramazani, V., Pavlidou, V., Max-Moerbeck, W., Richards, J., Berdyugin, A., Takalo, L., Sillanpää, A., Readhead, A. C. S., Optical and radio variability of the northern VHE gamma-ray emitting BL Lacertae objects, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2016, 593, 98, 25pp.
- Lisenfeld, U., Braine, J., Duc, P. A., Boquien, M., Brinks, E., Bournaud, F., Lelli, F., Charmandaris, V., Molecular gas and star formation in the tidal dwarf galaxy VCC 2062, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2016, 590, 92, 15pp.
- Lubiński, P., Beckmann, V., Gibaud, L., Paltani, S., Papadakis, I. E., Ricci, C., Soldi, S., Türler, M., Walter, R., Zdziarski, A. A., A comprehensive analysis of the hard X-ray spectra of bright Seyfert galaxies, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2016. 458(3): p.2454-2475.
- Maccarone, T. J., Yukita, M., Hornschemeier, A., Lehmer, B. D., Antoniou, V., Ptak, A., Wik, D. R., Zezas, A., Boyd, P., Kennea, J., Page, K. L., Eracleous, M., Williams, B. F., Boggs, S. E., Christensen, F. E., Craig, W. W., Hailey, C. J., Harrison, F. A., Stern, D., Zhang, W. W., Demonstrating the likely neutron star nature of five M31 globular cluster sources with Swift-NuSTAR spectroscopy, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2016. 458(4): p.3633-3643.
- Martínez-Galarza, J. R., Smith, H. A., Lanz, L., Hayward, Christopher C., Zezas, A., Rosenthal, L., Weiner, A., Hung, C., Ashby, M. L. N., Groves, B., Variations of the ISM Compactness Across the Main Sequence of Star Forming Galaxies: Observations and Simulations, The Astrophysical Journal, 2016, 817(1), 76, 18 pp.
- Morozova, D., Larionov, V., Jorstad, S., Marscher, A., Troitskaya, Y., Troitskiy, I., Blinov, D., Borman, G., Gurwell, Mark, Optical Outburst of the Blazar S4 0954+658 in Early 2015, Galaxies, 2016, 4(3), 24, 5pp.
- Panopoulou, G. V., Psaradaki, I., Tassis, K., The magnetic field and dust filaments in the Polaris Flare, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2016. 462(2): p.1517-1529.
- Papadakis, I. E., Nicastro, F., Panagiotou, C., Modelling the variable broad-band optical/UV/X-ray spectrum of PG1211+143: implications for the ionized outflow, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2016, 591, 102, 9pp.
- Papadakis, I., Pecháček, T., Dovčiak, M., Epitropakis, A., Emmanoulopoulos, D., Karas, V., Signatures of X-ray reverberation in the power spectra of AGN, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2016, 588, 13, 6 pp.
- Psychogyios, A., Charmandaris, V., Diaz-Santos, T., Armus, L., Haan, S., Howell, J., Le Floc'h, E., Petty, S. M., Evans, A. S., Morphological classification of local luminous infrared galaxies, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2016, 591, 1, 16pp.
- Reig, P., Kylafis, N. The origin of the hard X-ray tail in neutron-star X-ray binaries, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2016, 591, 24, 6pp.
- Reig, P., Nersesian, A., Zezas, A., Gkouvelis, L., Coe, M. J., Long-term optical variability of high-mass X-ray binaries. II. Spectroscopy, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2016, 590, 122, 31pp.
- Reig, P., Milonaki, F., Accretion regimes in the X-ray pulsar 4U 1901+03, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2016, 594, 45, 10pp.
- Słowikowska, A., Krzeszowski, K., Żejmo, M., Reig, P., Steele, I., Calibration of the Liverpool Telescope RINGO3 polarimeter, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2016. 458(1): p. 759-771.
- Storm, S., Mundy, L. G., Lee, K. I., Fernández-López, M., Looney, L. W., Teuben, P., Arce, H. G., Rosolowsky, E. W., Meisner, A. M., Isella, A., Kauffmann, J., Shirley, Y. L., Kwon, W., Plunkett, A. L., Pound, M. W., Segura-Cox, D. M., Tassis, K., Tobin, J. J., Volgenau, N. H., Crutcher, R. M., Testi, L., CARMA Large Area Star Formation Survey: Dense Gas in the Young L1451 Region of Perseus, The Astrophysical Journal, 2016, 830(2), p.127-155
- Tritsis, A., Tassis, K., Striations in molecular clouds: streamers or MHD waves?, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2016. 462(4): p.3602-3615.
- Tritsis, A., Tassis, K., Willacy, K., Chemistry as a diagnostic of prestellar core geometry, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2016. 458(1): p. 789-801.
- Troitskiy, I., Morozova, D., Jorstad, S., Larionov, V., Marscher, A., Agudo, I., Blinov, D., Smith, P., Troitskaya, Y., Multi-Frequency Monitoring of the Flat Spectrum Radio Quasar PKS 1222+216 in 2008-2015, Galaxies, 2016, 4(4), 72, 7pp.
- Troitskaya, Y., Larionov, V., Hagen-Thorn, V., Morozova, D., Blinov, D., Borman, G., Grishina, T., Efimova, N., Kopatskaya, E., Larionova, L., Larionova, E., Troitsky, I., Mokrushina, A., Multiwavelength Monitoring of the Gamma-Bright Blazar Mkn 421, Galaxies, 2016, 4(4), 67, 5pp.
- Williams, S. J., Bonanos, A. Z., Spitzer mid-infrared point sources in the fields of nearby galaxies, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2016, 587, 121, 9 pp.
- Williamson, K., Jorstad, S., Marscher, A., Larionov, V., Agudo, I., Arkharov, A., Blinov, D., Casadio, C., Gómez, J., Hagen-Thorn, V., Joshi, M., Konstantinova, T., Kopatskaya, E., Larionova, E., Larionova, L., Malmrose, M., McHardy, I., Molina, S., Morozova, D., Taylor, B., Troitsky, I., Correlation Analysis of Delays between Variations of Gamma-Ray and Optical Light Curves of Blazars, Galaxies, 2016, 4(4), 64, 9pp.
- Yukita, M., Hornschemeier, A. E., Lehmer, B. D., Ptak, A., Wik, D. R., Zezas, A., Antoniou, V., Maccarone, T. J., Replicon, V., Tyler, J. B., Venters, T., Argo, M. K., Bechtol, K., Boggs, S., Christensen, F. E., Craig, W. W., Hailey, C., Harrison, F., Krivonos, R., Kuntz, K., Stern, D., Zhang, W. W., A Hard X-Ray Study of the Normal Star-forming Galaxy M83 with NuSTAR, The Astrophysical Journal, 2016, 824(2), 107, 23pp.
- Zhao, Y., Lu, N., Xu, C. K., Gao, Y., Barcos-Munõz, L., Díaz-Santos, T., Appleton, P., Charmandaris, V., Armus, L., van der Werf, P., Evans, A., Cao, C., Inami, H., Murphy, E., ALMA Imaging of the CO (6-5) Line Emission in NGC 7130*, The Astrophysical Journal, 2016, 820(2), 118, 8 pp.
- Zhao, Y., Lu, N., Xu, C. K., Gao, Y., Lord, S. D., Charmandaris, V., Diaz-Santos, T., Evans, A., Howell, J., Petric, A. O., van der Werf, P. P., Sanders, D. B., The [NII] 205 μm Emission in Local Luminous Infrared Galaxies, The Astrophysical Journal, 2016, 819(1), 69, 16 pp.
2015 - [39]
- Alatalo, K., Appleton, P.N., Lisenfeld, U., Bitsakis, T., Lanz, L., Lacy, M., Charmandaris, V., Cluver, M., Dopita, M.A., Guillard, P., Jarrett, T., Kewley, L.J., Nyland, K., Ogle, P.M., Rasmussen, J., Rich, J.A., Verdes-Montenegro, L., Xu, C.K., and Yun, M., Star Formation Suppression In Compact Group Galaxies: A New Path To Quenching? Astrophysical Journal, 2015. 812(2).
- Angelakis, E., Fuhrmann, L., Marchili, N., Foschini, L., Myserlis, I., Karamanavis, V., Komossa, S., Blinov, D., Krichbaum, T. P., Sievers, A., Ungerechts, H., Zensus, J. A., Radio jet emission from GeV-emitting narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2015. 575, P. 55-76
- Appleton, P.N., Mundell, C., Bitsakis, T., Lacy, M., Alatalo, K., Armus, L., Charmandaris, V., Duc, P.A., Lisenfeld, U., and Ogle, P., Accretion-Inhibited Star Formation In the Warm Molecular Disk of the Green-Valley Elliptical Galaxy NGC3226? (Vol 797, 117, 2014). Astrophysical Journal, 2015. 802(1).
- Bitsakis, T., Dultzin, D., Ciesla, L., Krongold, Y., Charmandaris, V., and Zezas, A., Studying the Evolution of Galaxies In Compact Groups Over the Past 3 Gyr - I. Nuclear Activity. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2015. 450(3): p. 3114-3126.
- Blinov, D., Pavlidou, V., Papadakis, I., Kiehlmann, S., Panopoulou, G., Liodakis, I., King, O.G., Angelakis, E., Balokovic, M., Das, H., Feiler, R., Fuhrmann, L., Hovatta, T., Khodade, P., Kus, A., Kylafis, N., Mahabal, A., Myserlis, I., Modi, D., Pazderska, B., Pazderski, E., Papamastorakis, I., Pearson, T.J., Rajarshi, C., Ramaprakash, A., Reig, P., Readhead, A.C.S., Tassis, K., and Zensus, J.A., Robopol: First Season Rotations of Optical Polarization Plane in Blazars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2015. 453(2): p. 1669-1683.
- Boselli, A., Fossati, M., Gavazzi, G., Ciesla, L., Buat, V., Boissier, S., and Hughes, T.M., H alpha imaging of the Herschel Reference Survey The star formation properties of a volume-limited, K-band-selected sample of nearby late-type galaxies. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2015. 579.
- Brassington, N.J., Zezas, A., Ashby, M.L.N., Lanz, L., Smith, H.A., Willner, S.P., and Klein, C., the Spitzer Interacting Galaxies Survey: A Mid-Infrared Atlas of Star Formation. Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 2015. 218(1).
- Buat, V., Oi, N., Heinis, S., Ciesla, L., Burgarella, D., Matsuhara, H., Malek, K., Goto, T., Malkan, M., Marchetti, L., Ohyama, Y., Pearson, C., Serjeant, S., Miyaji, T., Krumpe, M., and Brunner, H., Dust attenuation up to z similar or equal to 2 in the AKARI North Ecliptic Pole Deep Field. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2015. 577.
- Carnerero, M. I., Raiteri, C. M., Villata, M., Acosta-Pulido, J. A., D'Ammando, F., Smith, P. S., Larionov, V. M., Agudo, I., Arévalo, M. J., Arkharov, A. A., Bach, U., Bachev, R., Benítez, E., Blinov, D. A., Bozhilov, V., Buemi, C. S., Bueno Bueno, A., Carosati, D., Casadio, C., Chen, W. P., Damljanovic, G., Paola, A. Di, Efimova, N. V., Ehgamberdiev, Sh. A., Giroletti, M., Gómez, J. L., González-Morales, P. A., Grinon-Marin, A. B., Grishina, T. S., Gurwell, M. A., Hiriart, D., Hsiao, H. Y., Ibryamov, S., Jorstad, S. G., Joshi, M., Kopatskaya, E. N., Kurtanidze, O. M., Kurtanidze, S. O., Lähteenmäki, A., Larionova, E. G., Larionova, L. V., Lázaro, C., Leto, P., Lin, C. S., Lin, H. C., Manilla-Robles, A. I., Marscher, A. P., McHardy, I. M., Metodieva, Y., Mirzaqulov, D. O., Mokrushina, A. A., Molina, S. N., Morozova, D. A., Nikolashvili, M. G., Orienti, M., Ovcharov, E., Panwar, N., Pastor Yabar, A., Puerto Giménez, I., Ramakrishnan, V., Richter, G. M., Rossini, M., Sigua, L. A., Strigachev, A., Taylor, B., Tornikoski, M., Trigilio, C., Troitskaya, Yu. V., Troitsky, I. S., Umana, G., Valcheva, A., Velasco, S., Vince, O., Wehrle, A. E., Wiesemeyer, H., Multiwavelength behaviour of the blazar OJ 248 from radio to γ-rays, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2015. 450(3), P. 2677-2691
- Casadio, C., Gómez, J. L., Jorstad, S. G., Marscher, A. P., Larionov, V. M., Smith, P. S., Gurwell, M. A., Lähteenmäki, A., Agudo, I., Molina, S. N., Bala, V., Joshi, M., Taylor, B., Williamson, K. E., Arkharov, A. A., Blinov, D. A., Borman, G. A., Di Paola, A., Grishina, T. S., Hagen-Thorn, V. A., Itoh, R., Kopatskaya, E. N., Larionova, E. G., Larionova, L. V., Morozova, D. A., Rastorgueva-Foi, E., Sergeev, S. G., Tornikoski, M., Troitsky, I. S., Thum, C., Wiesemeyer, H., A Multi-wavelength Polarimetric Study of the Blazar CTA 102 during a Gamma-Ray Flare in 2012. Astrophysical Journal, 2015. 813(1), P. 51-64
- Chakraborty, N., Pavlidou, V., and Fields, B.D., High Energy Polarization of Blazars: Detection Prospects. Astrophysical Journal, 2015. 798(1).
- Ciesla, L., Charmandaris, V., Georgakakis, A., Bernhard, E., Mitchell, P.D., Buat, V., Elbaz, D., Lefloc'h, E., Lacey, C.G., Magdis, G.E., and Xilouris, M., Constraining the Properties of AGN Host Galaxies With Spectral Energy Distribution Modelling. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2015. 576.
- D'abrusco, R., Fabbiano, G., and Zezas, A., Spatial Structures In the Globular Cluster Distribution of the 10 Brightest Virgo Galaxies. Astrophysical Journal, 2015. 805(1).
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- Vardoulaki, E., Charmandaris, V., Murphy, E.J., Diaz-Santos, T., Armus, L., Evans, A.S., Mazzarella, J.M., Privon, G.C., Stierwalt, S., and Barcos-Munoz, L., Radio Continuum Properties of Luminous Infrared Galaxies Identifying the Presence of An Agn In the Radio. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2015. 574.
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- Aleksic, J., Ansoldi, S., Antonelli, L.A., Antoranz, P., Babic, A., Bangale, P., Barres de Almeida, U., Barrio, J.A., Becerra Gonzalez, J., Bednarek, W., Bernardini, E., Biland, A., Blanch, O., Bonnefoy, S., Bonnoli, G., Borracci, F., Bratz, T., Carmona, E., Carosi, A., Carreto Fidalgo, D., Colin, P., Colombo, E., Contreras, J.L., Cortina, I., Covino, S., Da Vela, P., Dazzi, F., De Angelis, A., De Caneva, G., De Lotto, B., Delgado Mendez, C., Doert, M., Dominguez, A., Dominis Presters, D., Dorner, D., Doro, M., Einecke, S., Eisenacher, D., Elsaesser, D., Farina, E., Ferenc, D., Fonseca, M.V., Font, L., Frantzen, K., Fruck, C., Garcia Lopez, R.J., Garczarczyk, M., Garrido Terrats, D., Gaug, M., Godinovic, N., Gonzalez Munoz, A., Gozzini, S.R., Hadasch, D., Hayashida, M., Herrera, J., Herrero, A., Hildebrand, D., Hose, J., Hrupec, D., Idec, W., Kadenius, V., Kellermann, H., Kodani, K., Konno, Y., Krause, J., Kubo, H., Kushida, J., La Barbera, A., Lelas, D., Lewandowska, N., Lindfors, E., Lombardi, S., Lopez, M., Lopez-Coto, R., Lopez-Oramas, A., Lorenz, E., Lozano, I., Makariev, M., Mallotw, K., Maneva, G., Mankuzhiyil, N., Mannheim, K., Maraschi, L., Marcote, B., Mariotti, M., Martinez, M., Mazin, D., Menzel, U., Meucci, M., Miranda, J.M., Mirzoyan, R., Moralejo, A., Munar-Adrover, P., Nakajima, D., Niedzwiecki, A., Nilsson, K., Nishijima, K., Noda, K., Nowak, N., Orito, R., Overkemping, A., Paiano, S., Palatiello, M., Paneque, D., Paoletti, R., Paredes, J.M., Paredes-Fortuny, X., Partini, S., Persic, M., Prada, F., Prada Moroni, P.G., Prandini, E., Preziuso, S., Puljak, I., Reinthal, R., Rhode, W., Ribo, M., Rico, J., Rodriguez Garcia, J., Ruegamer, S., Saggion, A., Saito, T., Saito, K., Satalecka, K., Scalzotto, V., Scapin, V., Schultz, C., Schweizer, T., Shore, S.N., Sillanpaa, A., Sitarek, J., Snidaric, I., Sobczynska, D., Spanier, F., Stamatescu, V., Stamerra, A., Steinbring, T., Storz, J., Strzys, M., Sun, S., Suric, T., Takalo, L., Takami, H., Tavecchio, F., Temnikov, P., Terzic, T., Tescaro, D., Teshima, M., Thaele, J., Tibolla, O., Torres, D.F., Toyama, T., Treves, A., Uellenbeck, M., Vogler, P., Wagner, R.M., Zandanel, F., Zanin, R., Lucarelli, F., Pittori, C., Vercellone, S., Verrecchia, F., Buson, S., D'Ammando, F., Stawarz, L., Giroletti, M., Orienti, M., Mundell, C., Steele, I., Zarpudin, B., Raiteri, C.M., Villata, M., Sandrinelli, A., Lahteenmaki, A., Tammi, J., Tornikoski, M., Hovatta, T., Readhead, A.C.S., Max-Moerbeck, W., Richards, J.L., Jorstad, S., Marscher, A., Gurwell, M.A., Larionov, V.M., Blinov, D.A., Konstantinova, T.S., Kopatskaya, E.N., Larionova, L.V., Earionova, E.G., Morozova, D.A., Troitky, I.S., Mokrushina, A.A., Pavlova, Y.V., Chen, W.P., Lin, H.C., Panwar, N., Agudo, I., Casadio, C., Gomez, J.L., Molina, S.N., Kurtanidze, O.M., Nikolashvili, M.G., Kurtanidze, S.O., Chigladze, R.A., Acosta-Pulido, J.A., Carnerero, M.I., Manilla-Robles, A., Ovcharov, E., Bozhilov, V., Metodieva, I., Aller, M.F., Aller, H.D., Fuhrman, L., Angelakis, E., Nestoras, I., Krichbaue, T.P., Zensue, J.A., Ungerechts, H., Sievers, A., Collaboration, M., Collaboration, A. and Fermi, L.A.T.C., MAGIC gamma-ray and multi-frequency observations of flat spectrum radio quasar PKS 1510-089 in early 2012. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2014. 569.
- Aleksic, J., Ansoldi, S., Antonelli, L.A., Antoranz, P., Babic, A., Bangale, P., de Almeida, U.B., Barrio, J.A., Becerra Gonzalez, J., Bednarek, W., Berger, K., Bernardini, E., Biland, A., Blanch, O., Bock, R.K., Bonnefoy, S., Bonnoli, G., Borracci, F., Bretz, T., Carrnona, E., Carosi, A., Carreto Fidalgo, D., Colin, P., Colombo, E., Contreras, J.L., Cortina, J., Covino, S., Da Vela, P., Dazzi, F., De Angelis, A., De Caneva, G., De Lotto, B., Delgado Mendez, C., Doert, M., Dominguez, A., Dorninis Prester, D., Dorner, D., Doro, M., Einecke, S., Eisenacher, D., Elsaesser, D., Farina, E., Ferene, D., Fonseca, M.V., Font, L., Frantzen, K., Fruck, C., Garcia Lopez, R.J., Garczarczyk, M., Garrido Terrats, D., Gaug, M., Giavitto, G., Godinovic, N., Gonzalez Munoz, A., Gozzini, S.R., Hadasch, D., Hayashida, M., Herrero, A., Hildebrand, D., Hose, J., Hrupec, D., Idec, W., Kadenius, V., Kellertnann, H., Kodani, K., Konno, Y., Krause, J., Kubo, H., Kushida, J., La Barbera, A., Lelas, D., Lewandowska, N., Lindfors, E., Lombardi, S., Lopez, M., Lopez-Coto, R., Lopez-Oramas, A., Lorenz, E., Lozano, I., Makariev, M., Mallot, K., Maneva, G., Mankuzhiyil, N., Mannheim, K., Maraschi, L., Marcote, B., Mariotti, M., Martinez, M., Mazin, D., Menzel, U., Mencei, M., Miranda, J.M., Mirzoyan, R., Moralejo, A., Munar-Adrover, P., Nakajima, D., Niedzwiecki, A., Nilsson, K., Nishijima, K., Nowak, N., Orito, R., Overkemping, A., Paiano, S., Palatiello, M., Paneque, D., Paoletti, R., Paredes, J.M., Paredes-Fortuny, X., Partini, S., Persic, M., Prada, F., Moroni, P.G.P., Prandini, E., Prezinso, S., Puljak, I., Reinthal, R., Rhode, W., Ribo, M., Rico, J., Garcia, J.R., Ruegamer, S., Saggion, A., Saito, T., Saito, K., Salvati, M., Satalecka, K., Scalzotto, V., Scapin, V., Schultz, C., Schweizer, T., Shore, S.N., Siilanpaa, A., Sitarek, J., Snidaric, I., Sobczynska, D., Spanier, F., Stamatescu, V., Stamerra, A., Steinbring, T., Storz, J., Sun, S., Suric, T., Takalo, L., Takarni, H., Taveeehio, F., Temnikov, P., Terzic, T., Tescaro, D., Teshima, M., Thaele, J., Tibolla, O., Torres, D.F., Toyama, T., Trevesu, A., Uellenheck, M., Vogler, P., Wagner, R.M., Zandanel, F., Zanin, R., Cutini, S., Gasparrini, D., Furniss, A., Hovatta, T., Kangas, T., Kankare, E., Kotilainen, J., Lister, M., Lahteemaki, A., Max-Moerbeck, W., Pavlidou, V., Readhead, A., Richards, J. and Collaboration, M., MAGIC long-term study of the distant TeV blazar PKS 1424+240 in a multiwavelength context. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2014. 567.
- Andreani, P., Spinoglio, L., Boselli, A., Ciesla, L., Cortese, L., Vio, R., Baes, M., Bendo, G.J., and De Looze, I., The bivariate K-band-submillimetre luminosity functions of the local HRS galaxy sample. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2014. 566.
- Appleton, P.N., Mundell, C., Bitsakis, T., Lacy, M., Alatalo, K., Armus, L., Charmandaris, V., Duc, P.A., Lisenfeld, U., and Ogle, P., Accretion-Inhibited Star Formation In The Warm Molecular Disk Of The Green-Valley Elliptical Galaxy NGC 3226? Astrophysical Journal, 2014. 797(2).
- Baes, M., Herranz, D., Bianchi, S., Ciesla, L., Clemens, M., De Zotti, G., Allaert, F., Auld, R., Bendo, G.J., Boquien, M., Boselli, A., Clements, D.L., Cortese, L., Davies, J.I., De Looze, I., Alighieri, S.d.S., Fritz, J., Gentile, G., Gonzalez-Nuevo, J., Hughes, T., Smith, M.W.L., Verstappen, J., Viaene, S., and Vlahakis, C., The Herschel Virgo Cluster Survey XV. Planck submillimetre sources in the Virgo Cluster. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2014. 562.
- Bhagwan, J., Gupta, A.C., Papadakis, I.E., and Wiita, P.J., Spectral energy distributions of the BL Lac PKS 2155-304 from XMM-Newton. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014. 444(4): p. 3647-3656.
- Bitsakis, T., Charmandaris, V., Appleton, P.N., Diaz-Santos, T., Le Floc'h, E., da Cunha, E., Alatalo, K., and Cluver, M., Herschel observations of Hickson compact groups of galaxies: Unveiling the properties of cold dust. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2014. 565.
- Buat, V., Heinis, S., Boquien, M., Burgarella, D., Charmandaris, V., Boissier, S., Boselli, A., Le Borgne, D., and Morrison, G., Ultraviolet to infrared emission of z > 1 galaxies: Can we derive reliable star formation rates and stellar masses? Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2014. 561.
- Ciesla, L., Boquien, M., Boselli, A., Buat, V., Cortese, L., Bendo, G.J., Heinis, S., Galametz, M., Eales, S., Smith, M.W.L., Baes, M., Bianchi, S., de Looze, I., Alighieri, S.d.S., Galliano, F., Hughes, T.M., Madden, S.C., Pierini, D., Remy-Ruyer, A., Spinoglio, L., Vaccari, M., Viaene, S., and Vlahakis, C., Dust spectral energy distributions of nearby galaxies: an insight from the Herschel Reference Survey. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2014. 565.
- Cortese, L., Fritz, J., Bianchi, S., Boselli, A., Ciesla, L., Bendo, G.J., Boquien, M., Roussel, H., Baes, M., Buat, V., Clemens, M., Cooray, A., Cormier, D., Davies, J.I., De Looze, I., Eales, S.A., Fuller, C., Hunt, L.K., Madden, S., Munoz-Mateos, J., Pappalardo, C., Pierini, D., Remy-Ruyer, A., Sauvage, M., Alighieri, S.d.S., Smith, M.W.L., Spinoglio, L., Vaccari, M., and Vlahakis, C., PACS photometry of the Herschel Reference Survey - far-infrared/submillimetre colours as tracers of dust properties in nearby galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014. 440(1): p. 942-956.
- D'Abrusco, R., Fabbiano, G., Mineo, S., Strader, J., Fragos, T., Kim, D.W., Luo, B., and Zezas, A., The Two-Dimensional Spatial Distributions Of The Globular Clusters And Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries OF NGC 4649. Astrophysical Journal, 2014. 783(1).
- Diaz-Santos, T., Armus, L., Charmandaris, V., Stacey, G., Murphy, E.J., Haan, S., Stierwalt, S., Malhotra, S., Appleton, P., Inami, H., Magdis, G.E., Elbaz, D., Evans, A.S., Mazzarella, J.M., Surace, J.A., van der Werf, P.P., Xu, C.K., Lu, N., Meijerink, R., Howell, J.H., Petric, A.O., Veilleux, S., and Sanders, D.B., Extended [CII] Emission In Local Luminous Infrared Galaxies. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2014. 788(1).
- Emmanoulopoulos, D., Papadakis, I.E., Dovciak, M., and McHardy, I.M., General relativistic modelling of the negative reverberation X-ray time delays in AGN(star). Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014. 439(4): p. 3931-3950.
- Fernandez-Lopez, M., Arce, H.G., Looney, L., Mundy, L.G., Storm, S., Teuben, P.J., Lee, K., Segura-Cox, D., Isella, A., Tobin, J.J., Rosolowsky, E., Plunkett, A., Kwon, W., Kauffmann, J., Ostriker, E., Tassis, K., Shirley, Y.L., and Pound, M., CARMA Large Area Star Formation Survey: Observational Analysis Of Filaments In The Serpens South Molecular Cloud. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2014. 790(2).
- Fuhrmann, L., Larsson, S., Chiang, J., Angelakis, E., Zensus, J.A., Nestoras, I., Krichbaum, T.P., Ungerechts, H., Sievers, A., Pavlidou, V., Readhead, A.C.S., Max-Moerbeck, W., and Pearson, T.J., Detection of significant cm to sub-mm band radio and gamma-ray correlated variability in Fermi bright blazars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014. 441(3): p. 1899-1909.
- Gaidos, E., Anderson, D.R., Lepine, S., Colon, K.D., Maravelias, G., Narita, N., Chang, E., Beyer, J., Fukui, A., Armstrong, J.D., Zezas, A., Fulton, B.J., Mann, A.W., West, R.G., and Faedi, F., Trawling for transits in a sea of noise: a search for exoplanets by analysis of WASP optical light curves and follow-up (SEAWOLF). Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014. 437(4): p. 3133-3143.
- Gonzalez-Martin, O., Diaz-Gonzalez, D., Acosta-Pulido, J.A., Masegosa, J., Papadakis, I.E., Rodriguez-Espinosa, J.M., Marquez, I., and Hernandez-Garcia, L., Synapses of active galactic nuclei: Comparing X-ray and optical classifications using artificial neural networks. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2014. 567.
- Hayward, C.C., Lanz, L., Ashby, M.L.N., Fazio, G., Hernquist, L., Martinez-Galarza, J.R., Noeske, K., Smith, H.A., Wuyts, S., and Zezas, A., The total infrared luminosity may significantly overestimate the star formation rate of quenching and recently quenched galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014. 445(2): p. 1598-1604.
- Hovatta, T., Pavlidou, V., King, O.G., Mahabal, A., Sesar, B., Dancikova, R., Djorgovski, S.G., Drake, A., Laher, R., Levitan, D., Max-Moerbeck, W., Ofek, E.O., Pearson, T.J., Prince, T.A., Readhead, A.C.S., Richards, J.L., and Surace, J., Connection between optical and gamma-ray variability in blazars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014. 439(1): p. 690-702.
- King, O.G., Blinov, D., Giannios, D., Papadakis, I., Angelakis, E., Balokovic, M., Fuhrmann, L., Hovatta, T., Khodade, P., Kiehlmann, S., Kylafis, N., Kus, A., Myserlis, I., Modi, D., Panopoulou, G., Papamastorakis, I., Pavlidou, V., Pazderska, B., Pazderski, E., Pearson, T.J., Rajarshi, C., Ramaprakash, A.N., Readhead, A.C.S., Reig, P., Tassis, K., and Zensus, J.A., Early-time polarized optical light curve of GRB 131030A. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014. 445(1): p. L114-L118.
- King, O.G., Blinov, D., Ramaprakash, A.N., Myserlis, I., Angelakis, E., Balokovic, M., Feiler, R., Fuhrmann, L., Hovatta, T., Khodade, P., Kougentakis, A., Kylafis, N., Kus, A., Modi, D., Paleologou, E., Panopoulou, G., Papadakis, I., Papamastorakis, I., Paterakis, G., Pavlidou, V., Pazderska, B., Pazderski, E., Pearson, T.J., Rajarshi, C., Readhead, A.C.S., Reig, P., Steiakaki, A., Tassis, K., and Zensus, J.A., The RoboPol pipeline and control system. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014. 442(2): p. 1706-1717.
- Kylafis, N.D., Truemper, J.E., and Ertan, U., Spectral formation in a radiative shock: application to anomalous X-ray pulsars and soft gamma-ray repeaters. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2014. 562.
- Lanz, L., Hayward, C.C., Zezas, A., Smith, H.A., Ashby, M.L.N., Brassington, N., Fazio, G.G., and Hernquist, L., Simulated Galaxy Interactions As Probes Of Merger Spectral Energy Distributions. Astrophysical Journal, 2014. 785(1).
- Lee, K.I., Fernandez-Lopez, M., Storm, S., Looney, L.W., Mundy, L.G., Segura-Cox, D., Teuben, P., Rosolowsky, E., Arce, H.G., Ostriker, E.C., Shirley, Y.L., Kwon, W., Kauffmann, J., Tobin, J.J., Plunkett, A.L., Pound, M.W., Salter, D.M., Volgenau, N.H., Chen, C.-Y., Tassis, K., Isella, A., Crutcher, R.M., Gammie, C.F., and Testi, L., CARMA Large Area Star Formation Survey: Structure And Kinematics Of Dense Gas In Serpens Main. Astrophysical Journal, 2014. 797(2).
- Lehmer, B.D., Berkeley, M., Zezas, A., Alexander, D.M., Basu-Zych, A., Bauer, F.E., Brandt, W.N., Fragos, T., Hornschemeier, A.E., Kalogera, V., Ptak, A., Sivakoff, G.R., Tzanavaris, P., and Yukita, M., The X-Ray Luminosity Functions Of Field Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries In Early-Type Galaxies: Evidence For A Stellar Age Dependence. Astrophysical Journal, 2014. 789(1).
- Lu, N., Zhao, Y., Xu, C.K., Gao, Y., Armus, L., Mazzarella, J.M., Isaak, K.G., Petric, A.O., Charmandaris, V., Diaz-Santos, T., Evans, A.S., Howell, J., Appleton, P., Inami, H., Iwasawa, K., Leech, J., Lord, S., Sanders, D.B., Schulz, B., Surace, J., and van der Werf, P.P., Warm Molecular Gas In Luminous Infrared Galaxies. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2014. 787(2).
- Maccarone, T.J., Lehmer, B.D., Leyder, J.C., Antoniou, V., Hornschemeier, A., Ptak, A., Wik, D., and Zezas, A., A new candidate Wolf-Rayet X-ray binary in NGC 253. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014. 439(3): p. 3064-3072.
- Madden, S.C., Remy-Ruyer, A., Galametz, M., Cormier, D., Lebouteiller, V., Galliano, F., Hony, S., Bendo, G.J., Smith, M.W.L., Pohlen, M., Roussel, H., Sauvage, M., Wu, R., Sturm, E., Poglitsch, A., Contursi, A., Doublier, V., Baes, M., Barlow, M.J., Boselli, A., Boquien, M., Carlson, L.R., Ciesla, L., Cooray, A., Cortese, L., De Looze, I., Irwin, J.A., Isaak, K., Kamenetzky, J., Karczewski, O.L., Lu, N., MacHattie, J.A., O'Halloran, B., Parkin, T.J., Rangwala, N., Schirm, M.R.P., Schulz, B., Spinoglio, L., Vaccari, M., Wilson, C.D., and Wozniak, H., An Overview of the Dwarf Galaxy Survey (vol 125, pg 600, 2013). Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2014. 126(945): p. 1079-1080.
- Maragkoudakis, A., Zezas, A., Ashby, M.L.N., and Willner, S.P., Aperture effects on spectroscopic galaxy activity classification. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014. 441(3): p. 2296-2308.
- Maravelias, G., Zezas, A., Antoniou, V., and Hatzidimitriou, D., Optical spectra of five new Be/X-ray binaries in the Small Magellanic Cloud and the link of the supergiant B e star LHA 115-S 18 with an X-ray source. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014. 438(3): p. 2005-2025.
- Max-Moerbeck, W., Hovatta, T., Richards, J.L., King, O.G., Pearson, T.J., Readhead, A.C.S., Reeves, R., Shepherd, M.C., Stevenson, M.A., Angelakis, E., Fuhrmann, L., Grainge, K.J.B., Pavlidou, V., Romani, R.W., and Zensus, J.A., Time correlation between the radio and gamma-ray activity in blazars and the production site of the gamma-ray emission. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014. 445(1): p. 428-436.
- Max-Moerbeck, W., Richards, J.L., Hovatta, T., Pavlidou, V., Pearson, T.J., and Readhead, A.C.S., A method for the estimation of the significance of cross-correlations in unevenly sampled red-noise time series. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014. 445(1): p. 437-459.
- Mineo, S., Fabbiano, G., D'Abrusco, R., Fragos, T., Kim, D.W., Strader, J., Brodie, J.P., Gallagher, J.S., Zezas, A., and Luo, B., The Radial Distribution Of X-Ray Binaries And Globular Clusters In NGC 4649 And Their Relation With The Local Stellar Mass Density. Astrophysical Journal, 2014. 780(2).
- Morozova, D.A., Larionov, V.M., Troitsky, I.S., Jorstad, S.G., Marscher, A.P., Gomez, J.L., Blinov, D.A., Efimova, N.V., Hagen-Thorn, V.A., Hagen-Thorn, E.I., Joshi, M., Konstantinova, T.S., Kopatskaya, E.N., Larionova, L.V., Larionova, E.G., Lahteenmaki, A., Tammi, J., Rastorgueva-Foi, E., McHardy, I., Tornikoski, M., Agudo, I., Casadio, C., Molina, S.N., Volvach, A.E., and Volvach, L.N., The Outburst Of The Blazar S4 0954+658 In 2011 March-April. Astronomical Journal, 2014. 148(3).
- O'Sullivan, E., Zezas, A., Vrtilek, J.M., Giacintucci, S., Trevisan, M., David, L.P., Ponman, T.J., Mamon, G.A., and Raychaudhury, S., Deep Chandra Observations Of HCG 16. I. Active Nuclei, Star Formation, And Galactic Winds. Astrophysical Journal, 2014. 793(2).
- O'Sullivan, E., Vrtilek, J.M., David, L.P., Giacintucci, S., Zezas, A., Ponman, T.J., Mamon, G.A., Nulsen, P., and Raychaudhury, S., Deep Chandra Observations Of HCG 16. II. The Development Of The Intra-Group Medium In A Spiral-Rich Group. Astrophysical Journal, 2014. 793(2).
- Panopoulou, G.V., Tassis, K., Goldsmith, P.F., and Heyer, M.H., (CO)-C-13 filaments in the Taurus molecular cloud. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014. 444(3): p. 2507-2524.
- Pavlidou, V., Angelakis, E., Myserlis, I., Blinov, D., King, O.G., Papadakis, I., Tassis, K., Hovatta, T., Pazderska, B., Paleologou, E., Balokovic, M., Feiler, R., Fuhrmann, L., Khodade, P., Kus, A., Kylafis, N., Modi, D., Panopoulou, G., Papamastorakis, I., Pazderski, E., Pearson, T.J., Rajarshi, C., Ramaprakash, A., Readhead, A.C.S., Reig, P., and Zensus, J.A., The RoboPol optical polarization survey of gamma-ray-loud blazars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014. 442(2): p. 1693-1705.
- Pavlidou, V., Tetradis, N., and Tomaras, T.N., Constraining dark energy through the stability of cosmic structures. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2014(5).
- Pavlidou, V. and Tomaras, T.N., Where the world stands still: turnaround as a strong test of ACDM cosmology. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2014(9).
- Petty, S.M., Armus, L., Charmandaris, V., Evans, A.S., Le Floc'h, E., Bridge, C., Diaz-Santos, T., Howell, J.H., Inami, H., Psychogyios, A., Stierwalt, S., and Surace, J.A., The FUV To Near-IR Morphologies Of Luminous Infrared Galaxies In The GOALS Sample. Astronomical Journal, 2014. 148(6).
- Ramakrishnan, V., Leon-Tavares, J., Rastorgueva-Foi, E.A., Wiik, K., Jorstad, S.G., Marscher, A.P., Tornikoski, M., Agudo, I., Lahteenmaki, A., Valtaoja, E., Aller, M.F., Blinov, D.A., Casadio, C., Efimova, N.V., Gurwell, M.A., Gomez, J.L., Hagen-Thorn, V.A., Joshi, M., Jarvela, E., Konstantinova, T.S., Kopatskaya, E.N., Larionov, V.M., Larionova, E.G., Larionova, L.V., Lavonen, N., MacDonald, N.R., McHardy, I.M., Molina, S.N., Morozova, D.A., Nieppola, E., Tammi, J., Taylor, B.W., and Troitsky, I.S., The connection between the parsec-scale radio jet and gamma-ray flares in the blazar 1156+295. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014. 445(2): p. 1636-1646.
- Reig, P. and Zezas, A., Discovery of X-ray pulsations in the Be/X-ray binary IGR J21343+4738. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014. 442(1): p. 472-478.
- Reig, P., Doroshenko, V., and Zezas, A., The quiescent state of the accreting X-ray pulsar SAX J2103.5+4545. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014. 445(2): p. 1314-1320.
- Reig, P., Blinov, D., Papadakis, I., Kylafis, N., and Tassis, K., The high optical polarization in the Be/X-ray binary EXO 2030+375. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014. 445(4): p. 4235-4240.
- Reig, P. and Zezas, A., Disc-loss episode in the Be shell optical counterpart to the high-mass X-ray binary IGR J21343+4738. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2014. 561.
- Richards, J.L., Hovatta, T., Max-Moerbeck, W., Pavlidou, V., Pearson, T.J., and Readhead, A.C.S., Connecting radio variability to the characteristics of gamma-ray blazars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014. 438(4): p. 3058-3069.
- Stierwalt, S., Armus, L., Charmandaris, V., Diaz-Santos, T., Marshall, J., Evans, A.S., Haan, S., Howell, J., Iwasawa, K., Kim, D.C., Murphy, E.J., Rich, J.A., Spoon, H.W.W., Inami, H., Petric, A.O., and U, V., Mid-Infrared Properties Of Luminous Infrared Galaxies. II. Probing The Dust And Gas Physics Of The GOALS Sample. Astrophysical Journal, 2014. 790(2).
- Storm, S., Mundy, L.G., Fernandez-Lopez, M., Lee, K.I., Looney, L.W., Teuben, P., Rosolowsky, E., Arce, H.G., Ostriker, E.C., Segura-Cox, D.M., Pound, M.W., Salter, D.M., Volgenau, N.H., Shirley, Y.L., Chen, C.-Y., Gong, H., Plunkett, A.L., Tobin, J.J., Kwon, W., Isella, A., Kauffmann, J., Tassis, K., Crutcher, R.M., Gammie, C.F., and Testi, L., CARMA Large Area Star Formation Survey: Project Overview With Analysis Of Dense Gas Structure And Kinematics In Barnard 1. Astrophysical Journal, 2014. 794(2).
- Tassis, K., Willacy, K., Yorke, H.W., and Turner, N.J., Effect of OH depletion on measurements of the mass-to-flux ratio in molecular cloud cores. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014. 445(1): p. L56-L59.
- Viaene, S., Fritz, J., Baes, M., Bendo, G.J., Blommaert, J.A.D.L., Boquien, M., Boselli, A., Ciesla, L., Cortese, L., De Loozel, I., Gear, W.K., Gentile, G., Hughes, T.M., Jarrett, T., Karczewski, O.L., Smith, M.W.L., Spinoglio, L., Tamm, A., Tempel, E., Thilker, D., and Verstappen, J., The Herschel Exploitation of Local Galaxy Andromeda (HELGA). Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2014. 567.
- Wang, J., Nardini, E., Fabbiano, G., Karovska, M., Elvis, M., Pellegrini, S., Max, C., Risaliti, G., Vivian, U., and Zezas, A., Fast And Furious: Shock Heated Gas As The Origin Of Spatially Resolved Hard X-Ray Emission In The Central 5 Kpc Of The Galaxy Merger NGC 6240. Astrophysical Journal, 2014. 781(1).
- Wik, D.R., Lehmer, B.D., Hornschemeier, A.E., Yukita, M., Ptak, A., Zezas, A., Antoniou, V., Argo, M.K., Bechtol, K., Boggs, S., Christensen, F., Craig, W., Hailey, C., Harrison, F., Krivonos, R., Maccarone, T.J., Stern, D., Venters, T., and Zhang, W.W., Spatially Resolving A Starburst Galaxy At Hard X-Ray Energies: NuSTAR, Chandra, and VLBA Observations Of NGC 253. Astrophysical Journal, 2014. 797(2).
- Williamson, K.E., Jorstad, S.G., Marscher, A.P., Larionov, V.M., Smith, P.S., Agudo, I., Arkharov, A.A., Blinov, D.A., Casadio, C., Efimova, N.V., Gomez, J.L., Hagen-Thorn, V.A., Joshi, M., Konstantinova, T.S., Kopatskaya, E.N., Larionova, E.G., Larionova, L.V., Malmrose, M.P., McHardy, I.M., Molina, S.N., Morozova, D.A., Schmidt, G.D., Taylor, B.W., and Troitsky, I.S., Comprehensive Monitoring Of Gamma-Ray Bright Blazars. I. Statistical Study Of Optical, X-Ray, And Gamma-Ray Spectral Slopes. Astrophysical Journal, 2014. 789(2).
- Xu, C.K., Cao, C., Lu, N., Gao, Y., van der Werf, P., Evans, A.S., Mazzarella, J.M., Chu, J., Haan, S., Diaz-Santos, T., Meijerink, R., Zhao, Y.H., Appleton, P., Armus, L., Charmandaris, V., Lord, S., Murphy, E.J., Sanders, D.B., Schulz, B., and Stierwalt, S., ALMA Observations Of Warm Molecular Gas And Cold Dust In NGC 34. Astrophysical Journal, 2014. 787(1).
2013 - [44]
- Allevato, V., Paolillo, M., Papadakis, I., Pinto, C.., " Measuring X-Ray Variability in Faint/Sparsely Sampled Active Galactic Nuclei", 2013, ApJ, 771, 9
- Auld, R., Bianchi, S., Smith, M. W. L., Davies, J. I., Bendo, G. J., di Serego, S. Alighieri, Cortese, L., Baes, M., Bomans, D. J., Boquien, M., Boselli, A., Ciesla, L., Clemens, M., Corbelli, E., De Looze, I., Fritz, J., Gavazzi, G., Pappalardo, C., Grossi, M., Hunt, L. K., Madden, S., Magrini, L., Pohlen, M., Verstappen, J., Vlahakis, C., Xilouris, E. M., Zibetti, S., "The Herschel Virgo Cluster Survey - XII. FIR properties of optically selected Virgo cluster galaxies", 2013, MNRAS, 428, 1880
- Basu-Zych, A. R., Lehmer, B. D., Hornschemeier, A. E., Bouwens, R. J., Fragos, T., Oesch, P. A., Belczynski, K., Brandt, W. N., Kalogera, V., Luo, B., Miller, N., Mullaney, J. R., Tzanavaris, P., Xue, Y., Zezas, A., “The X-Ray Star Formation Story as Told by Lyman Break Galaxies in the 4 Ms CDF-S”, 2013, ApJ, 762, 45
- Benli, Onur, Çalışkan, Ş., Ertan, Ü., Alpar, M. A., Trümper, J. E., Kylafis, N. D., “X-Ray Enhancement and Long-term Evolution of Swift J1822.3–1606”, 2013, ApJ, 778, 119
- Boquien, M., Boselli, A., Buat, V., Baes, M., Bendo, G., Boissier, S., Ciesla, L., Cooray, A., Cortese, L., Eales, S., Koda, J., Lebouteiller, V., de Looze, I., Smith, M. W. L., Spinoglio, L., Wilson, C. D., “Towards understanding the relation between the gas and the attenuation in galaxies at kpc scales”, 2013, A&A, 554, 14
- Çalişkan, Ş., Ertan, Ü., Alpar, M. A., Trümper, J. E., Kylafis, N. D., “On the evolution of the radio pulsar PSR J1734-3333”, 2013, MNRAS, 431, 1136
- Ciesla, L., Boselli, A., Smith, M. W. L., Bendo, G. J., Cortese, L., Eales, S., Bianchi, S., Boquien, M., Buat, V., Davies, J., Pohlen, M., Zibetti, S., Baes, M., Cooray, A., de Looze, I., di Serego Alighieri, S., Galametz, M., Gomez, H. L., Lebouteiller, V., Madden, S. C., Pappalardo, C., Remy, A., Spinoglio, L., Vaccari, M., Auld, R., Clements, D. L. “Submillimetre photometry of 323 nearby galaxies from the Herschel Reference Survey”, 2013, A&A, 550, 1
- Cluver, M. E., Appleton, P. N., Ogle, P., Jarrett, T. H., Rasmussen, J., Lisenfeld, U., Guillard, P., Verdes-Montenegro, L., Antonucci, R., Bitsakis, T., Charmandaris, V., Boulanger, F., Egami, E., Xu, C. K., Yun, M. S., “Enhanced Warm H2 Emission in the Compact Group Mid-infrared "Green Valley"’, 2013, ApJ, 765, 93
- Díaz-Santos, T., Armus, L., Charmandaris, V., Stierwalt, S., Murphy, E. J., Haan, S., Inami, H., Malhotra, S., Meijerink, R., Stacey, G., Petric, A. O., Evans, A. S., Veilleux, S., van der Werf, P. P., Lord, S., Lu, N., Howell, J. H., Appleton, P., Mazzarella, J. M., Surace, J. A., Xu, C. K., Schulz, B., Sanders, D. B., Bridge, C., Chan, B. H. P., Frayer, D. T., Iwasawa, K., Melbourne, J., Sturm, E., “Explaining the [C II]157.7μm Deficit in Luminous Infrared Galaxies—First Results from a Herschel/PACS Study of the GOALS Sample”, 2013, ApJ, 774, 68
- D'Abrusco, R., Fabbiano, G., Strader, J., Zezas, A., Mineo, S., Fragos, T., Bonfini, P., Luo, B., Kim, D.-W., King, A., “The Two-dimensional Projected Spatial Distribution of Globular Clusters. I. Method and Application to NGC 4261”, 2013, ApJ, 773, 87
- Davies, J. I., Bianchi, S., Baes, M., Boselli, A., Ciesla, L., Clemens, M., Davis, T. A., De Looze, I., Alighieri, S. di Serego, Fuller, C., Fritz, J., Hunt, L. K., Serra, P., Smith, M. W. L., Verstappen, J., Vlahakis, C., Xilouris, E. M., Bomans, D., Hughes, T., Garcia-Appadoo, D., Madden, S., “The Herschel Fornax Cluster Survey - I. The bright galaxy sample”, 2013, MNRAS, 428, 834
- De Looze, I., Baes, M., Boselli, A., Cortese, L., Fritz, J., Auld, R., Bendo, G. J., Bianchi, S., Boquien, M., Clemens, M., Ciesla, L., Davies, Jonathan, di Serego Alighieri, Sperello, Grossi, Marco, Jones, Anthony, Madden, S. C., Pappalardo, C., Pierini, D., Smith, M. W. L., Verstappen, J., Vlahakis, C., Zibetti, S., “The Herschel Virgo Cluster Survey - XIV. Transition-type dwarf galaxies in the Virgo cluster”, 2013, MNRAS, 436, 1057
- Del Moro, A., Alexander, D. M., Mullaney, J. R., Daddi, E., Pannella, M., Bauer, F. E., Pope, A., Dickinson, M., Elbaz, D., Barthel, P. D., Garrett, M. A., Brandt, W. N., Charmandaris, V., Chary, R. R., Dasyra, K., Gilli, R., Hickox, R. C., Hwang, H. S., Ivison, R. J., Juneau, S., Le Floc'h, E., Luo, B., Morrison, G. E., Rovilos, E., Sargent, M. T., Xue, Y. Q., “GOODS-Herschel: radio-excess signature of hidden AGN activity in distant star-forming galaxies”, 2013, A&A, 549, 59
- Emmanoulopoulos, D., McHardy, I. M., Papadakis, I. E., “Generating artificial light curves: revisited and updated”, 2013, MNRAS, 433, 907
- Emmanoulopoulos, D., Papadakis, I. E., Nicastro, F., McHardy, I. M., “X-ray spectral analysis of the low-luminosity active galactic nucleus NGC 7213 using long XMM-Newton observations”, 2013, MNRAS, 429, 3439
- Fragos, T., Lehmer, B., Tremmel, M., Tzanavaris, P., Basu-Zych, A., Belczynski, K., Hornschemeier, A., Jenkins, L., Kalogera, V., Ptak, A., Zezas, A., “X-Ray Binary Evolution Across Cosmic Time”, 2013, ApJ, 764, 41
- Fragos, T., Lehmer, B. D., Naoz, S., Zezas, A., Basu-Zych, A.. “Energy Feedback from X-Ray Binaries in the Early Universe”, 2013, ApJ, 776, 31 21.Gaidos, E., Anderson, D. R., Lépine, S., Colón, K. D., Maravelias, G., Narita, N., Chang, E., Beyer, J., Fukui, A., Armstrong, J. D., Zezas, A., Fulton, B. J., Mann, A. W., West, R. G., Faedi, F. , “Trawling for transits in a sea of noise: a search for exoplanets by analysis of WASP optical light curves and follow-up (SEAWOLF)”, 2013, ApJ, 776, 31
- Gliozzi, M., Papadakis, I. E., Grupe, D., Brinkmann, W. P., Räth, C., “Long-term monitoring of PKS 0558-504 with Swift: the disc-corona link”, 2013, MNRAS, 433, 1709
- Haan, S., Armus, L., Surace, J. A., Charmandaris, V., Evans, A. S., Diaz-Santos, T., Melbourne, J. L., Mazzarella, J. M., Howell, J. H., Stierwalt, S., Kim, D. C., Vavilkin, T., Sanders, D. B., Petric, A., Murphy, E. J., Braun, R., Bridge, C. R., Inami, H., “The build-up of nuclear stellar cusps in extreme starburst galaxies and major mergers”, 2013, MNRAS, 434, 1264
- Hensley, B. S., Pavlidou, V., Siegal-Gaskins, J. M., “Novel techniques for decomposing diffuse backgrounds”, 2013, MNRAS, 433, 591
- Inami, H., Armus, L., Charmandaris, V., Groves, B., Kewley, L., Petric, A., Stierwalt, S., Díaz-Santos, T., Surace, J., Rich, J., Haan, S., Howell, J., Evans, A. S., Mazzarella, J., Marshall, J., Appleton, P., Lord, S., Spoon, H., Frayer, D., Matsuhara, H., Veilleux, S., “Mid-infrared Atomic Fine-structure Emission-line Spectra of Luminous Infrared Galaxies: Spitzer/IRS Spectra of the GOALS Sample”, 2013, ApJ, 777, 156
- Kirkpatrick, A., Pope, A., Charmandaris, V., Daddi, E., Elbaz, D., Hwang, H.S., Pannella, M., Scott, D., Altieri, B., Aussel, H., Coia, D., Dannerbauer, H., Dasyra, K., Dickinson, M., Kartaltepe, J., Leiton, R., Magdis, G., Magnelli, B., Popesso, P., Valtchanov, I., “GOODS-Herschel: Separating High-redshift Active Galactic Nuclei and Star-forming Galaxies Using Infrared Color Diagnostics”, 2013, ApJ, 763, 123
- Lanz, L., Zezas, A., Brassington, N., Smith, H. A., Ashby, M.L.N., da Cunha, E., Fazio, G.G., Hayward, C.C., Hernquist, L., Jonsson, P., “Global Star Formation Rates and Dust Emission over the Galaxy Interaction Sequence”, 2013, ApJ, 768, 90
- Lehmer, B. D., Wik, D. R., Hornschemeier, A. E., Ptak, A., Antoniou, V., Argo, M. K., Bechtol, K., Boggs, S., Christensen, F. E., Craig, W. W., Hailey, C. J., Harrison, F. A., Krivonos, R., Leyder, J.-C., Maccarone, T. J., Stern, D., Venters, T., Zezas, A., Zhang, W. W., “NuSTAR and Chandra Insight into the Nature of the 3-40 keV Nuclear Emission in NGC 253”, 2013, ApJ, 771, 134
- Leonidaki, I., Boumis, P., Zezas, A. , “A multiwavelength study of supernova remnants in six nearby galaxies - II. New optically selected supernova remnants”, 2013, MNRAS, 429, 189
- Luo, B., Fabbiano, G., Strader, J., Kim, D.-W., Brodie, J. P., Fragos, T., Gallagher, J. S., King, A., Zezas, A., “Deep Chandra Monitoring Observations of NGC 4649. I. Catalog of Source Properties”, 2013, ApJS, 204, 14
- Madden, S. C., Rémy-Ruyer, A., Galametz, M., Cormier, D., Lebouteiller, V., Galliano, F., Hony, S., Bendo, G. J., Smith, M. W. L., Pohlen, M., Roussel, H., Sauvage, M., Wu, R., Sturm, E., Poglitsch, A., Contursi, A., Doublier, V., Baes, M., Barlow, M. J., Boselli, A., Boquien, M., Carlson, L. R., Ciesla, L., Cooray, A., Cortese, L., de Looze, I., Irwin, J. A., Isaak, K., Kamenetzky, J., Karczewski, O. Ł., Lu, N., MacHattie, J. A., O''Halloran, B., Parkin, T. J., Rangwala, N., Schirm, M. R. P., Schulz, B., Spinoglio, L., Vaccari, M., Wilson, C. D., Wozniak, H., “An Overview of the Dwarf Galaxy Survey”, 2013, PASP, 125, 600
- Magdis, G. E., Rigopoulou, D., Helou, G., Farrah, D., Hurley, P., Alonso-Herrero, A., Bock, J., Burgarella, D., Chapman, S., Charmandaris, V., Cooray, A., Dai, Y. Sophia, Dale, D., Elbaz, D., Feltre, A., Hatziminaoglou, E., Huang, J.-S., Morrison, G., Oliver, S., Page, M., Scott, D., Shi, Y., “Mid- to far-infrared properties of star-forming galaxies and active galactic nuclei”, 2013, A&A, 558, 136
- Magnelli, B., Popesso, P., Berta, S., Pozzi, F., Elbaz, D., Lutz, D., Dickinson, M., Altieri, B., Andreani, P., Aussel, H., Béthermin, M., Bongiovanni, A., Cepa, J., Charmandaris, V., Chary, R.-R., Cimatti, A., Daddi, E., Förster Schreiber, N. M., Genzel, R., Gruppioni, C., Harwit, M., Hwang, H. S., Ivison, R. J., Magdis, G., Maiolino, R., Murphy, E., Nordon, R., Pannella, M., Pérez García, A., Poglitsch, A., Rosario, D., Sanchez-Portal, M., Santini, P., Scott, D., Sturm, E., Tacconi, L. J., Valtchanov, I., “The deepest Herschel-PACS far-infrared survey: number counts and infrared luminosity functions from combined PEP/GOODS-H observations”, 2013, A&A, 553, 132
- Meijerink, R., Kristensen, L. E., Weiß, A., van der Werf, P. P., Walter, F., Spaans, M., Loenen, A. F., Fischer, J., Israel, F. P., Isaak, K., Papadopoulos, P. P., Aalto, S., Armus, L., Charmandaris, V., Dasyra, K. M., Diaz-Santos, T., Evans, A., Gao, Y., González-Alfonso, E., Güsten, R., Henkel, C., Kramer, C., Lord, S., Martín-Pintado, J., Naylor, D., Sanders, D. B., Smith, H., Spinoglio, L., Stacey, G., Veilleux, S., Wiedner, M. C., “Evidence for CO Shock Excitation in NGC 6240 from Herschel SPIRE Spectroscopy”, 2013, ApJ, 762, 16
- Middleton, Matthew J., Miller-Jones, James C. A., Markoff, Sera, Fender, Rob, Henze, Martin, Hurley-Walker, Natasha, Scaife, Anna M. M., Roberts, T. P., Walton, D., Carpenter, J., Macquart, J.-P., Bower, G. C., Gurwell, M., Pietsch, W., Haberl, F., Harris, J., Daniel, M., Miah, J., Done, C., Morgan, J. S., Dickinson, H., Charles, P., Burwitz, W., Della Valle, M., Freyberg, M., Greiner, J., Hernanz, M., Hartmann, D. H., Hatzidimitriou, D., Riffeser, A., Sala, G., Seitz, S., Reig, P., Rau, A., Orio, M., Titterington, D., Grainge, K., “Bright radio emission from an ultraluminous stellar-mass microquasar in M 31”, 2013, Nature, 493, 187
- Nardini, E., Wang, Junfeng, Fabbiano, G., Elvis, M., Pellegrini, S., Risaliti, G., Karovska, M., Zezas, A., “The Exceptional Soft X-Ray Halo of the Galaxy Merger NGC 6240”, 2013, ApJ, 765, 141
- Prestwich, A. H., Tsantaki, Maria, Zezas, A., Jackson, F., Roberts, T. P., Foltz, R., Linden, T., Kalogera, V., “Ultra-luminous X-Ray Sources in the Most Metal Poor Galaxies”, 2013, ApJ, 769, 92
- Raiteri, C. M., Villata, M., D'Ammando, F., Larionov, V. M., Gurwell, M. A., Mirzaqulov, D. O., Smith, P. S., Acosta-Pulido, J. A., Agudo, I., Arévalo, M. J., Bachev, R., Benítez, E., Berdyugin, A., Blinov, D. A., Borman, G. A., Böttcher, M., Bozhilov, V., Carnerero, M. I., Carosati, D., Casadio, C., Chen, W. P., Doroshenko, V. T., Efimov, Yu. S., Efimova, N. V., Ehgamberdiev, Sh. A., Gómez, J. L., González-Morales, P. A., Hiriart, D., Ibryamov, S., Jadhav, Y., Jorstad, S. G., Joshi, M., Kadenius, V., Klimanov, S. A., Kohli, M., Konstantinova, T. S., Kopatskaya, E. N., Koptelova, E., Kimeridze, G., Kurtanidze, O. M., Larionova, E. G., Larionova, L. V., Ligustri, R., Lindfors, E., Marscher, A. P., McBreen, B., McHardy, I. M., Metodieva, Y., Molina, S. N., Morozova, D. A., Nazarov, S. V., Nikolashvili, M. G., Nilsson, K., Okhmat, D. N., Ovcharov, E., Panwar, N., Pasanen, M., Peneva, S., Phipps, J., Pulatova, N. G., Reinthal, R., Ros, J. A., Sadun, A. C., Schwartz, R. D., Semkov, E., Sergeev, S. G., Sigua, L. A., Sillanpää, A., Smith, N., Stoyanov, K., Strigachev, A., Takalo, L. O., Taylor, B., Thum, C., Troitsky, I. S., Valcheva, A., Wehrle, A. E., Wiesemeyer, H., “The awakening of BL Lacertae: observations by Fermi, Swift and the GASP-WEBT”, 2013, MNRAS, 436, 1530
- Rémy-Ruyer, A., Madden, S. C., Galliano, F., Hony, S., Sauvage, M., Bendo, G. J., Roussel, H., Pohlen, M., Smith, M. W. L., Galametz, M., Cormier, D., Lebouteiller, V., Wu, R., Baes, M., Barlow, M. J., Boquien, M., Boselli, A., Ciesla, L., De Looze, I., Karczewski, O. Ł., Panuzzo, P., Spinoglio, L., Vaccari, M., Wilson, C. D., “Revealing the cold dust in low-metallicity environments. I. Photometry analysis of the Dwarf Galaxy Survey with Herschel”, 2013, A&A, 557, 95
- Reig, P., Nespoli, E., “Patterns of variability in Be/X-ray pulsars during giant outbursts”, 2013, A&A, 551, 1
- Reig, P., Papadakis, I. E., Sobolewska, M. A., Malzac, J., “Evidence for a change in the radiation mechanism in the hard state of GRO J1655-40. Hysteresis in the broad-band noise components”, 2013, MNRAS, 435, 3395
- Stierwalt, S., Armus, L., Surace, J. A., Inami, H., Petric, A. O., Diaz-Santos, T., Haan, S., Charmandaris, V., Howell, J., Kim, D. C., Marshall, J., Mazzarella, J. M., Spoon, H. W. W., Veilleux, S., Evans, A., Sanders, D. B., Appleton, P., Bothun, G., Bridge, C. R., Chan, B., Frayer, D., Iwasawa, K., Kewley, L. J., Lord, S., Madore, B. F., Melbourne, J. E., Murphy, E. J., Rich, J. A., Schulz, B., Sturm, E., Vavilkin, T., Xu, K., “Mid-infrared Properties of Nearby Luminous Infrared Galaxies. I. Spitzer Infrared Spectrograph Spectra for the GOALS Sample”, 2013, ApJS, 206, 1
- Trümper, J. E., Dennerl, K., Kylafis, N. D., Ertan, Ü., Zezas, A., “An Accretion Model for the Anomalous X-Ray Pulsar 4U 0142+61”, 2013, ApJ, 764. 49
- Tremmel, M., Fragos, T., Lehmer, B. D., Tzanavaris, P., Belczynski, K., Kalogera, V., Basu-Zych, A. R., Farr, W. M., Hornschemeier, A., Jenkins, L., Ptak, A., Zezas, A., “Modeling the Redshift Evolution of the Normal Galaxy X- Ray Luminosity Function”, 2013, ApJ, 766, 19
- Tzanavaris, P., Fragos, T., Tremmel, M., Jenkins, L., Zezas, A., Lehmer, B. D., Hornschemeier, A., Kalogera, V., Ptak, A., Basu-Zych, A. R., “Modeling X-Ray Binary Evolution in Normal Galaxies: Insights from SINGS”, 2013, ApJ, 774, 136
- Venters, T. M., Pavlidou, V., “Probing the intergalactic magnetic field with the anisotropy of the extragalactic gamma-ray background, 2013, MNRAS, 432, 3485
- Wilson, C. D., Cridland, A., Foyle, K., Parkin, T. J., Mentuch Cooper, E., Roussel, H., Sauvage, M., Smith, M. W. L., Baes, M., Bendo, G., Boquien, M., Boselli, A., Ciesla, L., Clements, D. L., Cooray, A., De Looze, I., Galametz, M., Gear, W., Lebouteiller, V., Madden, S., Pereira-Santaella, M., Rémy-Ruyer, A., “Cold Dust but Warm Gas in the Unusual Elliptical Galaxy NGC 4125”, 2013, ApJ, 776, 30
- Zhao, Yinghe, Lu, Nanyao, Xu, C. Kevin, Gao, Yu, Lord, S., Howell, J., Isaak, K. G., Charmandaris, V., Diaz-Santos, T., Appleton, P., Evans, A., Iwasawa, K., Leech, J., Mazzarella, J., Petric, A. O., Sanders, D. B., Schulz, B., Surace, J., van der Werf, P. P., “A Herschel Survey of the [N II]205μm Line in Local Luminous Infrared Galaxies: The [N II]205μm Emission as a Star Formation Rate Indicator”, 2013, ApJ, 765, 13
2012 - [30]
- Béthermin, M., Daddi, E., Magdis, Georgios, S., Mark T., Hezaveh, Y., Elbaz, D., Le Borgne, D., Mullaney, J., Pannella, M., Buat, V., Charmandaris, V., Lagache, G., Scott, D., "A Unified Empirical Model for Infrared Galaxy Counts Based on the Observed Physical Evolution of Distant Galaxies", 2012, ApJ Letters, 757, 23
- Barnard, R., Galache, J. L., Garcia, M. R., Nooraee, N., Callanan, P. J., Zezas, A., Murray, S. S., " Period Distribution of X-Ray Binaries Observed in the Central Region of M31 with Chandra and the Hubble Space Telescope", 2012, ApJ, 756, 32
- Bonfini, P., Zezas, A., Birkinshaw, M., Worrall, D. M., Fabbiano, G., O'Sullivan, E., Trinchieri, G., Wolter, A. “Studying the asymmetry of the globular cluster population of NGC 4261”, 2012, MNRAS, 421, 2872
- Brassington, N. J., Fabbiano, G., Zezas, A., Kundu, A., Kim, D.-W., Fragos, T., King, A. R., Pellegrini, S., Trinchieri, G., Zepf, S., Wright, N. J., “The Spectral and Temporal Properties of Transient Sources in Early-type Galaxies”, 2012, ApJ, 755, 162
- Buat, V., Noll, S., Burgarella, D., Giovannoli, E., Charmandaris, V., Pannella, M., Hwang, H. S., Elbaz, D., Dickinson, M., Magdis, G., Reddy, N., Murphy, E. J. "GOODS-Herschel: dust attenuation properties of UV selected high redshift galaxies", 2012, A&A, 545, 141
- Caballero-Garcia, M. D., Papadakis, I. E., Nicastro, F., Ajello, M., “Hard X-ray spectral variability of the brightest Seyfert AGN in the Swift/BAT sample”, 2012, A&A, 537, 87
- Emmanoulopoulos, D., Papadakis, I. E., McHardy, I. M., Arévalo, P., Calvelo, D. E., Uttley, P., “The 'harder when brighter' X-ray behaviour of the low-luminosity active galactic nucleus NGC 7213”, 2012, MNRAS, 424, 1327
- Feroci, M., (and 202 coauthors including Kylafis, N., Papadakis, I., Reig, P., Zezas, A.), “The Large Observatory for X-ray Timing (LOFT)”, 2012, Experimental Astronomy, 34, 415
- Greiner, J. (and 67 co-authors including Kylafis, N.), “GRIPS - Gamma-Ray Imaging, Polarimetry and Spectroscopy”, 2012, Experimental Astronomy, 34, 551
- Harrison, C. M., Alexander, D. M., Mullaney, J. R., Altieri, B., Coia, D., Charmandaris, V., Daddi, E., Dannerbauer, H., Dasyra, K., Del Moro, A., Dickinson, M., Hickox, R. C., Ivison, R. J., Kartaltepe, J., Le Floc'h, E., Leiton, R., Magnelli, B., Popesso, P., Rovilos, E., Rosario, D., Swinbank, A. M., “No Clear Submillimeter Signature of Suppressed Star Formation among X-Ray Luminous Active Galactic Nuclei”, 2012, ApJ Letters, 760, 15
- Hicken, M., Challis, P., Kirshner, R.P., Rest, A., Cramer, C.E., Wood-Vasey, W.M., Bakos, G., Berlind, P., Brown, W.R., Caldwell, N., Calkins, M., Currie, T., de Kleer, K., Esquerdo, G., Everett, M., Falco, E., Fernandez, J., Friedman, A.S., Groner, T., Hartman, J., Holman, M.J., Hutchins, R., Keys, S., Kipping, D., Latham, D., Marion, G.H., Narayan, G., Pahre, M., Pal, Andras, P., Wayne, P., Gopakumar, R., Ben, S., Brigitta, S., Andrew, T., Sumin, T., Manuel A.P., Vaz, A., Wolk, S., Zezas, A., “CfA4: Light Curves for 94 Type Ia Supernovae”, 2012, ApJS, 200, 12
- Kartaltepe, J. S., Dickinson, M., Alexander, D.M., Bell, E.F., Dahlen, T., Elbaz, D., Faber, S. M., Lotz, J., McIntosh, D.H., Wiklind, T., Altieri, B., Aussel, H., Bethermin, M., Bournaud, F., Charmandaris, V., Conselice, C.J., Cooray, A., Dannerbauer, H., Davé, R., Dunlop, J., Dekel, A., Ferguson, H.C., Grogin, N. A., Hwang, H-.S., Ivison, R., Kocevski, D., Koekemoer, A., Koo, D.C., Lai, K., Leiton, R., Lucas, R.A., Lutz, D., Magdis, G., Magnelli, B., Morrison, G., Mozena, M., Mullaney, J., Newman, J.A., Pope, A., Popesso, P., van der Wel, A., Weiner, B., Wuyts, S., “GOODS-Herschel and CANDELS: The Morphologies of Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies at z ~ 2”, 2012, ApJ, 757, 23
- Kirkpatrick, A., Pope, A., Alexander, D.M., Charmandaris, V., Daddi, E., Dickinson, M., Elbaz, D., Gabor, J., Hwang, H-S., Ivison, R., Mullaney, J., Pannella, M., Scott, D., Altieri, B., Aussel, H., Bournaud, F., Buat, V., Coia, D., Dannerbauer, H., Dasyra, K., Kartaltepe, J., Leiton, R., Lin, L., Magdis, G., Magnelli, B., Morrison, G., Popesso, P., Valtchanov, I., “GOODS-Herschel: Impact of Active Galactic Nuclei and Star Formation Activity on Infrared Spectral Energy Distributions at High Redshift”, 2012, ApJ, 759, 139
- Kylafis, N. D., Contopoulos, I., Kazanas, D., Christodoulou, D. M., “Formation and destruction of jets in X-ray binaries”, 2012, A&A, 538, 5
- Le Floc'h, E., Charmandaris, V., Gordon, K., Forrest, W.J., Brandl, B., Schaerer, D., Dessauges-Zavadsky, M., Armus, L., “The First Infrared Study of the Close Environment of a Long Gamma-Ray Burst”, 2012, ApJ, 746, 7
- Luo, B., Fabbiano, G., Fragos, T., Kim, D.-W., Belczynski, K., Brassington, N. J., Pellegrini, S., Tzanavaris, P., Wang, Junfeng, Zezas, A., “Probing the X-Ray Binary Populations of the Ring Galaxy NGC 1291”, 2012, ApJ, 749, 130
- Magdis, G.E., Daddi, E., Béthermin, M., Sargent, M., Elbaz, D., Pannella, M., Dickinson, M., Dannerbauer, H., da Cunha, E., Walter, F., Rigopoulou, D., Charmandaris, V., Hwang, H-S., Kartaltepe, J., “The Evolving Interstellar Medium of Star-forming Galaxies since z = 2 as Probed by Their Infrared Spectral Energy Distributions”, 2012, ApJ, 760, 6
- Magdis, G.E., Daddi, E., Sargent, M., Elbaz, D., Gobat, R., Dannerbauer, H., Feruglio, C., Tan, Q., Rigopoulou, D., Charmandaris, V., Dickinson, M., Reddy, N., Aussel, H., “The Molecular Gas Content of z = 3 Lyman Break Galaxies: Evidence of a Non-evolving Gas Fraction in Main-sequence Galaxies at z > 2”, 2012, ApJ, 758 Letters, 9
- Magnelli, B., Saintonge, A., Lutz, D., Tacconi, L. J., Berta, S., Bournaud, F., Charmandaris, V., Dannerbauer, H., Elbaz, D., Förster-Schreiber, N. M., Graciá-Carpio, J., Ivison, R., Maiolino, R., Nordon, R., Popesso, P., Rodighiero, G., Santini, P., Wuyts, S., “Dust temperature and CO → H2 conversion factor variations in the SFR-M∗ plane”, 2012, A&A, 548, 22
- Nespoli, E., Reig, P., Zezas, A., “New insights into the Be/X-ray binary system MXB 0656-072”, 2012, A&A, 547, 103
- Pellegrini, S., Wang, J., Fabbiano, G., Kim, D-W., Brassington, B.J., Gallagher, J.S., Trinchieri, G., Zezas, A., “AGN Activity and the Misaligned Hot ISM in the Compact Radio Elliptical NGC 4278”, 2012, ApJ, 758, 94
- Penner, K., Dickinson, M., Pope, A., Dey, A., Magnelli, B., Pannella, M., Altieri, B., Aussel, H., Buat, V., Bussmann, S., Charmandaris, V., Coia, D., Daddi, E., Dannerbauer, H., Elbaz, D., Hwang, H-S., Kartaltepe, J., Lin, L., Magdis, G., Morrison, G., Popesso, P., Scott, D., Valtchanov, I., “Evidence for a Wide Range of Ultraviolet Obscuration in z ~ 2 Dusty Galaxies from the GOODS-Herschel Survey”, 2012, ApJ, 759, 28
- Ponti, G., Papadakis, I., Bianchi, S., Guainazzi, M., Matt, G., Uttley, P., Bonilla, N. F., “CAIXA: a catalogue of AGN in the XMM-Newton archive. III. Excess variance analysis”, 2012, A&A, 542, 83
- Prestwich, A. H., Galache, J. L., Linden, T., Kalogera, V., Zezas, A., Roberts, T. P., Kilgard, R., Wolter, A., Trinchieri, G., “Chandra Observations of the Collisional Ring Galaxy NGC 922”, 2012, ApJ, 747, 150
- Räth, C., Gliozzi, M., Papadakis, I. E., Brinkmann, W., “Revisiting Algorithms for Generating Surrogate Time Series”, 2012, Phyical Review Letters, 109, 4101
- Reddy, N., Dickinson, M., Elbaz, D., Morrison, G., Giavalisco, M., Ivison, R., Papovich, C., Scott, D., Buat, V., Burgarella, D., Charmandaris, V., Daddi, E., Magdis, G., Murphy, E., Altieri, B., Aussel, H., Dannerbauer, H., Dasyra, K., Hwang, H. S., Kartaltepe, J., Leiton, R., Magnelli, B., Popesso, P., “GOODS-Herschel Measurements of the Dust Attenuation of Typical Star-forming Galaxies at High Redshift: Observations of Ultraviolet-selected Galaxies at z ~ 2”, 2012, ApJ, 744, 154
- Reig, P., Torrejón, J. M., Blay, P., “Accreting magnetars: a new type of high-mass X-ray binaries?”, 2012, MNRAS, 425, 595
- Roberts, T. P., Fabbiano, G., Luo, B., Kim, D.-W., Strader, J., Middleton, M. J., Brodie, J. P., Fragos, T., Gallagher, J. S., Kalogera, V., King, A. R., Zezas, A., “A Variable Ultraluminous X-Ray Source in a Globular Cluster in NGC 4649”, 2012, ApJ, 760, 135
- Rovilos, E., Comastri, A., Gilli, R., Georgantopoulos, I., Ranalli, P., Vignali, C., Lusso, E., Cappelluti, N., Zamorani, G., Elbaz, D., Dickinson, M., Hwang, H. S., Charmandaris, V., Ivison, R. J., Merloni, A., Daddi, E., Carrera, F. J., Brandt, W. N., Mullaney, J. R., Scott, D., Alexander, D. M., Del Moro, A., Morrison, G., Murphy, E. J., Altieri, B., Aussel, H., Dannerbauer, H., Kartaltepe, J., Leiton, R., Magdis, G., Magnelli, B., Popesso, P., Valtchanov, I., “GOODS-Herschel: ultra-deep XMM-Newton observations reveal AGN/star-formation connection”, 2012, A&A, 546, 58
- Strader, J., Fabbiano, G., Luo, B., Kim, D-W., Brodie, J.P., Fragos, T., Gallagher, J.S., Kalogera, V., King, A., Zezas, A., “Deep Chandra Monitoring Observations of NGC 4649. II. Wide-field Hubble Space Telescope Imaging of the Globular Clusters”, 2012, ApJ, 760, 87
2011 - [35]
- Ashby, M. L. N., Mahajan, S., Smith, H. A., Willner, S. P., Fazio, G. G., Raychaudhury, S., Zezas, A., Barmby, P., Bonfini, P., Cao, C., González-Alfonso, E., Ishihara, D., Kaneda, H., Lyttle, V., Madden, S., Papovich, C., Sturm, E., Surace, J., Wu, H., Zhu, Y.-N. “The Star Formation Reference Survey. I. Survey Description and Basic Data”, 2011, PASP, 123, 1011
- Bitsakis, T., Charmandaris, V., da Cunha, E., Díaz-Santos, T., Le Floc'h, E., Magdis, G., “A mid-IR study of Hickson compact groups. II. Multiwavelength analysis of the complete GALEX-Spitzer sample”, 2011, A&A, 533, 142
- Boquien, M., Lisenfeld, U., Duc, P.-A., Braine, J., Bournaud, F., Brinks, E., Charmandaris, V., “Studying the spatially resolved Schmidt-Kennicutt law in interacting galaxies: the case of Arp 158”, 2011, A&A, 533, 19
- Boselli, A., (and 53 coauthors including V. Charmandaris), “The GALEX Ultraviolet Virgo Cluster Survey (GUViCS). I. The UV luminosity function of the central 12 sq. deg”, 2011, A&A, 528, 107
- Buat, V., Giovannoli, E., Heinis, S., Charmandaris, V., Coia, D., Dasyra, K., Aussel, H., Altieri, B., Dannerbauer, H., Kartaltepe, J., Leiton, R., Magdis, G., Magnelli, B., Popesso, P., “GOODS-Herschel: evidence of a UV extinction bump in galaxies at z > 1”, 2011, A&A, 533, 93
- Civano, F., Brusa, M., Comastri, A., Elvis, M., Salvato, M., Zamorani, G., Capak, P., Fiore, F., Gilli, R., Hao, H., Ikeda, H., Kakazu, Y., Kartaltepe, J. S., Masters, D., Miyaji, T., Mignoli, M., Puccetti, S., Shankar, F., Silverman, J., Vignali, C., Zezas, A., Koekemoer, A. M., “The Population of High-redshift Active Galactic Nuclei in the Chandra-COSMOS Survey”, 2011, ApJ, 741, 91
- Díaz-Santos, T., Charmandaris, V., Armus, L., Stierwalt, S., Haan, S., Mazzarella, J. M., Howell, J. H., Veilleux, S., Murphy, E. J., Petric, A. O., Appleton, P., Evans, A.S., Sanders, D.B., Surace, J.A., “The Spatial Extent of (U)LIRGS in the Mid-infrared. II. Feature Emission”, 2011, ApJ, 741, 32
- Dopita, M. A., Armus, L., Kewley, L.J., Rich, J.A., Sanders, D., Appleton, P.N., Chan, Ben H. P., Charmandaris, V., Evans, A.S., Frayer, D.T., Howell, J. H., Inami, H., Mazzarella, J.A., Petric, A., Stierwalt, S., Surace, J., “Modeling IR spectral energy distributions: a pilot study of starburst parameters and silicate absorption curves for some GOALS galaxies”, 2011, Ap&SS, 333, 225
- Elbaz, D., (and 53 coauthors including V. Charmandaris), “GOODS-Herschel: an infrared main sequence for star-forming galaxies”, 2011, A&A, 533, 119
- Emmanoulopoulos, D., McHardy, I. M., Papadakis, I. E., “Negative X-ray reverberation time delays from MCG-6-30-15 and Mrk 766”, 2011, MNRAS, 416, 94
- Emmanoulopoulos, D., Papadakis, I. E., McHardy, I. M., Nicastro, F., Bianchi, S., Arévalo, P., “An XMM-Newton view of the `bare' nucleus of Fairall 9”, 2011, MNRAS, 415, 1895
- González-Martín, O., Papadakis, I., Braito, V., Masegosa, J., Márquez, I., Mateos, S., Acosta-Pulido, J. A., Martínez, M. A., Ebrero, J., Esquej, P., O’Brien, P., Tueller, J., Warwick, R.S., Watson, M.G., “Suzaku observation of the LINER NGC 4102”, 2011, A&A, 527, 142
- González-Martín, O., Papadakis, I., Reig, P., Zezas, A., “The scaling of X-ray variability with luminosity in ultra-luminous X-ray sources”, 2011, A&A, 526, 132
- Haan, S., Armus, L., Laine, S., Charmandaris, V., Smith, J. D., Schweizer, F., Brandl, B., Evans, A. S., Surace, J. A., Díaz-Santos, T., and 6 coauthors, “Spitzer IRS Spectral Mapping of the Toomre Sequence: Spatial Variations of PAH, Gas, and Dust Properties in nearby Major Mergers”, 2011, ApJS, 197, 27
- Haan, S., Surace, J. A., Armus, L., Evans, A. S., Howell, J. H., Mazzarella, J. M., Kim, D. C., Vavilkin, T., Inami, H., Sanders, D. B., Petric, A., Bridge, C. R., Melbourne, J. L., Charmandaris, V., Díaz-Santos, T., Murphy, E. J., U, V., Stierwalt, S., Marshall, J. A., “The Nuclear Structure in Nearby Luminous Infrared Galaxies: Hubble Space Telescope NICMOS Imaging of the GOALS Sample”, 2011, AJ, 141, 100
- Hwang, H. S., Elbaz, D., Dickinson, M., Charmandaris, V., Daddi, E., Le Borgne, D., Buat, V., Magdis, G. E., Altieri, B., Aussel, H., Coia, D., Dannerbauer, H., Dasyra, K., Kartaltepe, J., Leiton, R., Magnelli, B., Popesso, P., Valtchanov, I. “GOODS-Herschel: the impact of galaxy-galaxy interactions on the far-infrared properties of galaxies”, 2011, A&A, 535, 60
- Jenkins, L. P., Brandt, W. N., Colbert, E. J. M., Koribalski, B., Kuntz, K. D., Levan, A. J., Ojha, R., Roberts, T. P., Ward, M. J., Zezas, A., “Investigating the Nuclear Activity of Barred Spiral Galaxies: The Case of NGC 1672”, 2011, ApJ, 734, 33
- Lebouteiller, V., Bernard-Salas, J., Whelan, D. G., Brandl, B., Galliano, F., Charmandaris, V., Madden, S., Kunth, D., “Influence of the Environment on Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Emission in Star-forming Regions”, 2011, ApJ, 728, 45
- Lee, H., Kashyap, V.L., van Dyk, D. A., Connors, A. Drake, J. J., Izem, R., Meng, X.-L. Min, S., Park, T., Ratzlaff, P., Siemiginowska, A., Zezas, A., "Accounting for Calibration Uncertainties in X-ray Analysis: Effective Areas in Spectral Fitting", 2011, ApJ, 731, 126
- Magdis, G. E., Elbaz, D., Dickinson, M., Hwang, H. S., Charmandaris, V., Armus, L., Daddi, E., Le Floc'h, E., Aussel, H., Dannerbauer, H., Rigopoulou, D., Buat, V., Morrison, G., Mullaney, J., Lutz, D., Scott, D., Coia, D., Pope, A., Pannella, M., Altieri, B., Burgarella, D., Bethermin, M., Dasyra, K., Kartaltepe, J., Leiton, R., Magnelli, B., Popesso, P., Valtchanov, I., “GOODS-Herschel: a population of 24 μm dropout sources at z<2”, 2011, A&A, 534, 15
- Magdis, G. E., Daddi, E., Elbaz, D., Sargent, M., Dickinson, M., Dannerbauer, H., Aussel, H., Walter, F., Hwang, H. S., Charmandaris, V., Hodge, J., Riechers, D., Rigopoulou, D., Carilli, C., Pannella, M., Mullaney, J., Leiton, R., Scott, D., “GOODS-Herschel: Gas-to-dust Mass Ratios and CO-to-H2 Conversion Factors in Normal and Starbursting Galaxies at High-z”, 2011, ApJ, 740, 15
- Nantais, J.B., Huchra, J.P., Zezas, A., Gazeas, K. Strader, J., "Hubble Space Telescope Photometry of Globular Clusters in M81", 2011, AJ, 142, 183
- Nespoli, E., Reig, P., “Discovery of a quasi-periodic oscillation in the X-ray pulsar 1A 1118-615: correlated spectral and aperiodic variability”, 2011, A&A, 526, 7
- O'Sullivan, E., Worrall, D. M., Birkinshaw, M., Trinchieri, G., Wolter, A., Zezas, A., Giacintucci, S., “Interaction between the intergalactic medium and central radio source in the NGC 4261 group of galaxies”, 2011, MNRAS, 416, 2916
- Petric, A. O., Armus, L., Howell, J., Chan, B., Mazzarella, J. M., Evans, A. S., Surace, J. A., Sanders, D., Appleton, P., Charmandaris, V., Díaz-Santos, T., Frayer, D., Haan, S., Inami, H., Iwasawa, K., Kim, D., Madore, B., Marshall, J., Spoon, H., Stierwalt, S., Sturm, E., U, V., Vavilkin, T., Veilleux, S., “Mid-Infrared Spectral Diagnostics of Luminous Infrared Galaxies”, 2011, ApJ, 730, 28
- Popescu, C. C., Tuffs, R. J., Dopita, M. A., Fischera, J., Kylafis, N. D., Madore, B. F., “Modelling the spectral energy distribution of galaxies. V. The dust and PAH emission SEDs of disk galaxies”, 2011, A&A, 527, 109
- Reig, P., Nespoli, E., Fabregat, J., Mennickent, R. E., “Multi-frequency observations of Swift J1626.6-5156”, 2011, A&A, 533, 23
- Reig, Pablo, “Be/X-ray binaries”, 2011, Ap&SS, 332, 1
- Sell, P. H., Pooley, D., Zezas, A., Heinz, S., Homan, J., Lewin, W. H. G., “Luminosity Functions and Point-source Properties from Multiple Chandra Observations of M81”, 2011, ApJ, 735, 26
- Sobolewska, M. A., Papadakis, I. E., Done, C., Malzac, J., “Evidence for a change in the X-ray radiation mechanism in the hard state of Galactic black holes”, 2011, MNRAS, 417, 280
- Wang, J., Fabbiano, G., Elvis, M., Risaliti, G., Karovska, M., Zezas, A., Mundell, C. G., Dumas, G., Schinnerer, E., "A Deep Chandra ACIS Study of NGC 4151. I. The X-ray Morphology of the 3 kpc Diameter Circum-nuclear Region and Relation to the Cold Interstellar Medium", 2011, ApJ, 729, 75
- Wang, J., Fabbiano, G., Elvis, M., Risaliti, G., Mundell, C. G., Karovska, M., Zezas, A., "A Deep Chandra ACIS Study of NGC 4151. II. The Innermost Emission Line Region and Strong Evidence for Radio Jet-NLR Cloud Collision", 2011, ApJ, 736, 62
- Wang, J., Fabbiano, G., Elvis, M., Risaliti, G., Karovska, M., Zezas, A., Mundell, C. G., Dumas, G., Schinnerer, E., "A Deep Chandra ACIS Study of NGC 4151. III. The Line Emission and Spectral Analysis of the Ionization Cone", 2011, ApJ, 742, 23
- Willett, Κ. W., Darling, J., Spoon, H. W. W., Charmandaris, V., Armus, L., “Mid-Infrared Properties of OH Megamaser Host Galaxies. I. Spitzer IRS Low- and High-Resolution Spectroscopy”, 2011, ApJS, 193, 18
- Willett, Κ. W., Darling, J., Spoon, H. W. W., Charmandaris, V., Armus, L., “Mid-infrared Properties of OH Megamaser Host Galaxies. II. Analysis and Modeling of the Maser Environment”, 2011, ApJ, 730, 56
2010 - [49]
- Andrade-Velázquez, Mercedes, Krongold, Yair, Elvis, Martin, Nicastro, Fabrizio, Brickhouse, Nancy, Binette, Luc, Mathur, Smita, Jiménez-Bailón, Elena, “The Two-Phase, Two-Velocity Ionized Absorber in the Seyfert 1 Galaxy NGC 5548”, 2010, ApJ, 711, 888
- Antoniou, V., Zezas, A., Hatzidimitriou, D., Kalogera, V., “Star Formation History and X-ray Binary Populations: The Case of the Small Magellanic Cloud”, 2010, ApJ, 716, 140
- Baes, M., Fritz, J., Gadotti, D. A., Smith, D. J. B., Dunne, L., da Cunha, E., Amblard, A., Auld, R., Bendo, G. J., Bonfield, D., Burgarella, D., Buttiglione, S., Cava, A., Clements, D., Cooray, A., Dariush, A., de Zotti, G., Dye, S., Eales, S., Frayer, D., Gonzalez-Nuevo, J., Herranz, D., Ibar, E., Ivison, R., Lagache, G., Leeuw, L., Lopez-Caniego, M., Jarvis, M., Maddox, S., Negrello, M., Michałowski, M., Pascale, E., Pohlen, M., Rigby, E., Rodighiero, G., Samui, S., Serjeant, S., Temi, P., Thompson, M., van der Werf, P., Verma, A., Vlahakis, C., “Herschel-ATLAS: The dust energy balance in the edge-on spiral galaxy UGC 4754”, 2010, A&A, 518, 39
- Bitsakis, T., Charmandaris, V., Le Floc'h, E., Díaz-Santos, T., Slater, S. K., Xilouris, E., Haynes, M. P., "A mid-IR study of Hickson Compact Groups I: Probing the Effects of Environment in Galaxy Interactions", 2010, A&A, 517, 75
- Boquien, M., Duc, P.-A., Galliano, F., Braine, J., Lisenfeld, U., Charmandaris, V., Appleton, P. N., "Star Formation in Collision Debris: Insights from the Modeling of their Spectral Energy Distribution", 2010, AJ, 140, 2124
- Brassington, N. J., Fabbiano, G., Blake, S., Zezas, A., Angelini, L., Davies, R. L., Gallagher, J., Kalogera, V., Kim, D.-W., King, A. R., Kundu, A., Trinchieri, G., Zepf, S., “The X-ray Spectra of the Luminous LMXBs in NGC 3379: Field and Globular Cluster Sources”, 2010, ApJ, 725, 1805
- Caballero-García, M. D., Torres, G., Ribas, I., Rísquez, D., Montesinos, B., Mas-Hesse, J. M., Domingo, A., “TYC 2675-663-1: a newly discovered W UMa system in an active state”, 2010, A&A, 514, 36
- Caballero-García, M. D., Fabian, A. C., “X-ray reflection in a sample of X-ray bright ultraluminous X-ray
sources”, 2010, MNRAS, 402, 2559
- Carrasco-González, C., Rodríguez, L.F., Torrelles, J.M., Anglada, G., González-Martín, O., "A Bright Radio HH Object with Large Proper Motions in the Massive Star-forming Region W75", 2010, AJ, 139, 2433
- Coe, M. J., Bird, A. J., Buckley, D. A. H., Corbet, R. H. D., Dean, A. J., Finger, M., Galache, J. L., Haberl, F., McBride, V. A., Negueruela, I., Schurch, M., Townsend, L. J., Udalski, A., Wilms, J., Zezas, A., “INTEGRAL deep observations of the Small Magellanic Cloud”, 2010, MNRAS, 406, 2533
- Díaz-Santos, T., Charmandaris, V., Armus, L., Petric, A. O., Howell, J. H., Murphy, E. J., Mazzarella, J. M., Veilleux, S., Bothun, G., Inami, H., Appleton, P. N., Evans, A. S., Haan, S., Marshall, J. A., Sanders, D. B., Stierwalt, S., Surace, J. A., "The Spatial Extent of (U)LIRGs in the mid-Infrared I: The Continuum Emission", 2010, ApJ, 723, 993
- Díaz-Santos, T., Alonso-Herrero, A., Colina, L., Packham, C., Levenson, N. A., Pereira-Santaella, M., Roche, P. F., Telesco, C. M., “A High Spatial Resolution Mid-Infrared Spectroscopic Study of the Nuclei and Star-Forming Regions in Luminous Infrared Galaxies”, 2010, ApJ, 711, 328
- da Cunha, E., Charmandaris, V., Díaz-Santos, T., Armus, L., Marshall, J. A., Elbaz, D., "Exploring the physical properties of local star-forming ULIRGs from the ultraviolet to the infrared", 2010, A&A, 523, 78
- da Cunha, E., Eminian, C., Charlot, S.; Blaizot, J., “New insight into the relation between star formation activity and dust content in galaxies”, 2010, MNRAS, 403, 1894
- Eales, S., Dunne, L., Clements, D., Cooray, A., de Zotti, G., Dye, S., Ivison, R., Jarvis, M., Lagache, G., Maddox, S., Negrello, M., Serjeant, S., Thompson, M. A., Kampen, E. Van, Amblard, A., Andreani, P., Baes, M., Beelen, A., Bendo, G. J., Benford, D., Bertoldi, F., Bock, J., Bonfield, D., Boselli, A., Bridge, C., Buat, V., Burgarella, D., Carlberg, R., Cava, A., Chanial, P., Charlot, S., Christopher, N., Coles, P., Cortese, L., Dariush, A., da Cunha, E., Dalton, G., Danese, L., Dannerbauer, H., Driver, S., Dunlop, J., Fan, L., Farrah, D., Frayer, D., Frenk, C., Geach, J., Gardner, J., Gomez, H., González-Nuevo, J., González-Solares, E., Griffin, M., Hardcastle, M., Hatziminaoglou, E., Herranz, D., Hughes, D., Ibar, E., Jeong, Woong-Seob, Lacey, C., Lapi, A., Lawrence, A., Lee, M., Leeuw, L., Liske, J., López-Caniego, M., Müller, T., Nandra, K., Panuzzo, P., Papageorgiou, A., Patanchon, G., Peacock, J., Pearson, C., Phillipps, S., Pohlen, M., Popescu, C., Rawlings, S., Rigby, E., Rigopoulou, M., Robotham, A., Rodighiero, G., Sansom, A., Schulz, B., Scott, D., Smith, D. J. B., Sibthorpe, B., Smail, I., Stevens, J., Sutherland, W., Takeuchi, T., Tedds, J., Temi, P., Tuffs, R., Trichas, M., Vaccari, M., Valtchanov, I., van der Werf, P., Verma, A., Vieria, J., Vlahakis, C., White, Glenn J., “The Herschel ATLAS”, 2010, PASP, 122, 499
- Fabbiano, G., Brassington, N. J., Lentati, L., Angelini, L., Davies, R. L., Gallagher, J., Kalogera, V., Kim, D.-W., King, A. R., Kundu, A., Pellegrini, S., Richings, A. J., Trinchieri, G., Zezas, A., Zepf, S., “Field and Globular Cluster Low-mass X-ray Binaries in NGC 4278”, 2010, ApJ, 725, 1824
- Fouqué, P., Heyrovský, D., Dong, S., Gould, A., Udalski, A., Albrow, M. D., Batista, V., Beaulieu, J.-P., Bennett, D. P., Bond, I. A., Bramich, D. M., Calchi Novati, S., Cassan, A., Coutures, C., Dieters, S., Dominik, M., Dominis Prester, D., Greenhill, J., Horne, K., Jørgensen, U. G., Kozłowski, S., Kubas, D., Lee, C.-H., Marquette, J.-B., Mathiasen, M., Menzies, J., Monard, L. A. G., Nishiyama, S., Papadakis, I., Street, R., Sumi, T., Williams, A., Yee, J. C., Brillant, S., Caldwell, J. A. R., Cole, A., Cook, K. H., Donatowicz, J., Kains, N., Kane, S. R., Martin, R., Pollard, K. R., Sahu, K. C., Tsapras, Y., Wambsganss, J., Depoy, D. L., Gaudi, B. S., Han, C., Lee, C.-U., Park, B.-G., Kubiak, M., Szymański, M. K., Pietrzyński, G., Soszyński, I., Szewczyk, O., Ulaczyk, K., Abe, F., Fukui, A., Furusawa, K., Gilmore, A. C., Hearnshaw, J. B., Itow, Y., Kamiya, K., Kilmartin, P. M., Korpela, A. V., Lin, W., Ling, C. H., Masuda, K., Matsubara, Y., Miyake, N., Muraki, Y., Nagaya, M., Ohnishi, K., Okumura, T., Perrott, Y., Rattenbury, N. J., Saito, To., Sako, T., Sato, S., Skuljan, L., Sullivan, D., Sweatman, W., Tristram, P. J., Allan, A., Bode, M. F., Burgdorf, M. J., Clay, N., Fraser, S. N., Hawkins, E., Kerins, E., Lister, T. A., Mottram, C. J., Saunders, E. S., Snodgrass, C., Steele, I. A., Anguita, T., Bozza, V., Harpsøe, K., Hinse, T. C., Hundertmark, M., Kjærgaard, P., Liebig, C., Mancini, L., Masi, G., Rahvar, S., Ricci, D., Scarpetta, G., Southworth, J., Surdej, J., Thöne, C. C., Riffeser, A., Seitz, S., “OGLE 2008-BLG-290: an accurate measurement of the limb darkening of a galactic bulge K Giant spatially resolved by microlensing”, 2010, A&A, 518, 51
- Gliozzi, M., Papadakis, I. E., Grupe, D., Brinkmann, W. P., Raeth, C., Kedziora-Chudczer, L., “A Panchromatic View of PKS 0558-504: An Ideal Laboratory to Study the Disk-Jet Link”, 2010, ApJ 717, 1243
- Gliozzi, M., Räth, C., Papadakis, I. E., Reig, P., “Characterizing black hole variability with nonlinear methods: the case of the X-ray Nova 4U 1543-47”, 2010, A&A, 512, 21
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2009 - [35]
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2008 - [29]
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- Papadakis, I. E., Chatzopoulos, E., Athanasiadis, D., Markowitz, A., Georgantopoulos, I., “The long-term X-ray variability properties of AGNs in the Lockman Hole region”, 2008, A&A, 487, 475
- Papadakis, I. E., Ioannou, Z., Brinkmann, W., Xilouris, E. M., “The X-ray variability and the near-IR to X-ray spectral energy distribution of four low luminosity Seyfert 1 galaxies”, 2008, A&A, 490, 995
- Raiteri, C. M., Villata, M., Larionov, V. M., Gurwell, M. A., Chen, W. P., Kurtanidze, O. M., Aller, M. F., Böttcher, M., Calcidese, P., Hroch, F., Lähteenmäki, A., Lee, C.-U., Nilsson, K., Ohlert, J., Papadakis, I. E., Agudo, I., Aller, H. D., Angelakis, E., Arkharov, A. A., Bach, U., Bachev, R., Berdyugin, A., Buemi, C. S., Carosati, D., Charlot, P., Chatzopoulos, E., Forné, E., Frasca, A., Fuhrmann, L., Gómez, J. L., Gupta, A. C., Hagen-Thorn, V. A., Hsiao, W.-S., Jordan, B., Jorstad, S. G., Konstantinova, T. S., Kopatskaya, E. N., Krichbaum, T. P., Lanteri, L., Larionova, L. V., Latev, G., Le Campion, J.-F., Leto, P., Lin, H.-C., Marchili, N., Marilli, E., Marscher, A. P., McBreen, B., Mihov, B., Nesci, R., Nicastro, F., Nikolashvili, M. G., Novak, R., Ovcharov, E., Pian, E., Principe, D., Pursimo, T., Ragozzine, B., Ros, J. A., Sadun, A. C., Sagar, R., Semkov, E., Smart, R. L., Smith, N., Strigachev, A., Takalo, L. O., Tavani, M., Tornikoski, M., Trigilio, C., Uckert, K., Umana, G., Valcheva, A., Vercellone, S., Volvach, A., Wiesemeyer, H., “A new activity phase of the blazar 3C 454.3. Multifrequency observations by the WEBT and XMM-Newton in 2007-2008”, 2008, A&A, 491, 755
- Reig, P., “Rapid spectral and timing variability of Be/X-ray binaries during type II outbursts”, 2008, A&A, 491, 755
- Reig, P., Belloni, T., Israel, G. L.; Campana, S., Gehrels, N., Homan, J., “Bright flares from the X-ray pulsar SWIFT J1626.6-5156”, 2008, Α&Α, 485, 797
- Rosenberg, J., Wu, Y., Le Floc’h, E., Charmandaris, V., Asby, M.L.N., Houck, J.R., Saltzer, J., “Dust Properties and Star-Formation Rates in Star-Forming Dwarf Galaxies”, 2008, ApJ, 674, 814
- Smith, B.J. Struck, C., Hancock, M., Giroux, J., Appleton, P.N., Charmandaris, V., Reach, W., Hurlock, S., Hwang, J.-S. “Stochastic ‘Beads on a String’ in the Accretion Tail of Arp 285”, 2008, AJ, 135, 2406
- Stefanescu, A., Kanbach, G., Słowikowska, A., Greiner, J., McBreen, S., Sala, G., “Very fast optical flaring from a possible new Galactic magnetar”, 2008, Nature, 455, 503
- Tommasin, S. S., Spinoglio, L., Malkan, M.A., Smith, H., Gonzalez-Alfonso, E., Charmandaris, V., "Spitzer-IRS high-resolution spectroscopy of the 12micron Seyfert galaxies: I First results", 2008, ApJ, 676, 836
- Trinchieri, G., Pellegrini, S., Fabbiano, G., Fu, R., Brassington, N. J., Zezas, A., Kim, D.-W., Gallagher, J., Angelini, L., Davies, R. L., Kalogera, V., King, A. R., Zepf, S., “Discovery of Hot Gas in Outflow in NGC 3379”, 2008, ApJ, 688, 1000
- Voss, R., Pietsch, W., Haberl, F., Stiele, H., Greiner, J., Sala, G., Hartmann, D. H., Hatzidimitriou, D., “Three X-ray transients in M31 observed with Swift”, 2008, A&A, 489, 707
- Wu, Y., Bernard-Salas, J., Charmandaris, V., Lebouteiller, V., Hao, L., Brandl, B.R., Houck, J.R., “Elemental Abundances and of Blue Compact Dwarfs from mid-IR spectroscopy with Spitzer”, 2008, ApJ, 683, 193
- Wu, Y., Charmandaris, V., Houck, J.R., Bernard-Salas, J., Lebouteiller, V., Brandl, B.R., Farrah, D., “Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxies with Spitzer: The Infrared/Radio Properties”, 2008, ApJ, 676, 970
2007 - [30]
- Armus, L., Charmandaris, V., Bernard-Salas, J., Spoon, H.W.W., Marshall, J.A., Higdon, S.J.U., Desai, V., Teplitz, H.I., Hao, L., Devost, D., Brandl, B.R., Wu, Y., Sloan, G.S., Soifer, B.T., Houck, J.R., Herter, T.L., "Observations of Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies with the Infrared Spectrograph on the Spitzer Space Telescope II: The IRAS bright Galaxy Sample", 2007, ApJ, 656, 148
- Boquien, M., Duc, P.-A., Braine, J., Brinks, E., Lisenfeld, U., Charmandaris, V., "Polychromatic View of Intergalactic Star Formation in NGC 5291", 2007, A&A, 497, 93
- Boumis, P., Meaburn, J., Alikakos, J., Redman, M. P., Akras, S., Mavromatakis, F.; López, J. A., Caulet, A., Goudis, C. D., “Deep optical observations of the interaction of the SS 433 microquasar jet with the W50 radio continuum shell”, 2007, MNRAS, 381, 308
- Bournaud, F., Duc, P.-A., Brinks, ME., Boquien, M., Amram, P., Lisenfeld, U., Koribalski, B., Walter, F., Charmandaris, V., "Missing mass in collisional debris from galaxies ", 2007, Science, 316, 1166
- Brinkmann, W., Papadakis, I. E., Raeth, C., “Spectral variability analysis of an XMM-Newton observation of Ark 564”, 2007, A&A, 465, 107
- Desai, V., Armus, L., Spoon, H.W.W., Charmandaris, V., Marshall, J.A., Teplitz, H.I., Bernard-Salas, J., Soifer, B.T., Houck, J.R., Farrah, D., Brandl, B.R., Devost, D., Higdon, S.J.U., "PAH Emission from Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies", 2007, ApJ, 669, 810
- Farrah, D., Bernard-Salas, J., Spoon, H. W. W., Soifer, B. T.; Armus, L., Brandl, B.R., Charmandaris, V., Desai, V., Higdon, S., Devost, D., Houck, J.R., “High resolution mid-infrared spectroscopy of ultraluminous infrared galaxies”, 2007, ApJ, 667, 107
- Gallo, L. C.; Brandt, W. N.; Costantini, E.; Fabian, A. C.; Iwasawa, K.; Papadakis, I. E., “A longer XMM-Newton look at I Zwicky 1: variability of the X-ray continuum, absorption and iron Kα line”, 2007, MNRAS, 377, 391
- Gliozzi, M., Papadakis, I. E., Brinkmann, W. P., “Long-Term X-Ray Spectral Variability of the Radio-Loud Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxy PKS 0558-504”, 2007, ApJ, 656, 691
- Hancock, M., Smith, B.J., Struck, C., Giroux, M., Appleton, P.N., Charmandaris, V., Reach, W.T., "Large-scale Star Formation Triggering in the Low-mass Arp 82 System: A Nearby Example of Galaxy Downsizing Based on UV/Optical/Mid-IR Imaging", 2007, AJ 133, 676
- Hatzidimitriou, D., Reig, P., Manousakis, A., Pietsch, W., Burwitz, V., Papamastorakis, I., “M31N 2005-09c: a fast Fe II nova in the disk of M 31”, 2007, A&A, 464, 1075
- Howarth, Ian D., Walborn, Nolan R., Lennon, Danny J., Puls, Joachim, Nazé, Yaël, Annuk, K., Antokhin, I., Bohlender, D., Bond, H., Donati, J.-F., Georgiev, L., Gies, D., Harmer, D., Herrero, A., Kolka, I., McDavid, D., Morel, T., Negueruela, I., Rauw, G., Reig, P., “Towards an understanding of the Of?p star HD 191612: optical spectroscopy”, 2007, MNRAS, 381, 433
- Lahuis, F., Spoon, H.W.W., Tielens, A.G.G.M., Doty, S.D., Armus, L., Charmandaris, V., Houck, J.R., Stuber, P., van Dishoeck, E.F., "Infrared Molecular Starburst Fingerprints in Deeply Obscured ULIRG Nuclei", 2007, ApJ, 659, 296
- Markowitz, A., Papadakis, I. Arévalo, P., Turner, T. J., Miller, L.; Reeves, J. N., “The Energy-dependent X-Ray Timing Characteristics of the Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Mrk 766”, 2007, ApJ, 656, 116
- Marshall, J.A., Herter, T.L., Armus, L, Charmandaris, V., Spoon, H.W.W., Bernard-Salas, J., Houck, J.R., "Decomposing Dusty Galaxies I: Multicomponent Spectral Energy Distribution Fitting", 2007, ApJ, 670, 129
- Mavromatakis, F., Xilouris, E. M., Boumis, P., “The optical properties of the G89.0+4.7 (HB 21) supernova remnant”, 2007, A&A, 461, 991
- McHardy, I. M., Arévalo, P., Uttley, P., Papadakis, I. E., Summons, D. P., Brinkmann, W., Page, M. J., “Discovery of multiple Lorentzian components in the X-ray timing properties of the Narrow Line Seyfert 1 Ark 564”, 2007, MNRAS, 382, 985
- Mignani, R. P., Bagnulo, S., Dyks, J., Lo Curto, G., Słowikowska, A., “The optical polarisation of the Vela pulsar revisited”, 2007, Α&Α, 467, 1157
- Papadakis, I. E., Brinkmann, W., Page, M. J., Mc Hardy, I., Uttley, P., “XMM-Newton observation of the NLS1 galaxy Ark 564. I. Spectral analysis of the time-average spectrum”, 2007, A&A, 461, 931
- Papadakis, I. E., Ioannou, Z., Kazanas, D., “Fourier-Resolved Spectroscopy of Active Galactic Nuclei Using XMM-Newton Data. I. The 3-10 keV Band Results”, 2007, ApJ, 661, 38
- Papadakis, I. E., Villata, M., Raiteri, C. M., “The long-term optical spectral variability of BL Lacertae”, 2007, A&A, 470, 857
- Raiteri, C. M., Villata, M., Larionov, V. M., Pursimo, T., Ibrahimov, M. A., Nilsson, K., Aller, M. F., Kurtanidze, O. M., Foschini, L., Ohlert, J., Papadakis, I. E., Sumitomo, N., Volvach, A., Aller, H. D., Arkharov, A. A., Bach, U., Berdyugin, A., Böttcher, M., Buemi, C. S., Calcidese, P., Charlot, P., Delgado Sánchez, A. J., di Paola, A., Djupvik, A. A., Dolci, M., Efimova, N. V., Fan, J. H., Forné, E., Gomez, C. A., Gupta, A. C., Hagen-Thorn, V. A., Hooks, L., Hovatta, T., Ishii, Y., Kamada, M., Konstantinova, T., Kopatskaya, E., Kovalev, Yu. A., Kovalev, Y. Y., Lähteenmäki, A., Lanteri, L., Le Campion, J.-F., Lee, C.-U., Leto, P., Lin, H.-C., Lindfors, E., Mingaliev, M. G., Mizoguchi, S., Nicastro, F., Nikolashvili, M. G., Nishiyama, S., Östman, L., Ovcharov, E., Pääkkönen, P., Pasanen, M., Pian, E., Rector, T., Ros, J. A., Sadakane, K., Selj, J. H., Semkov, E., Sharapov, D., Somero, A., Stanev, I., Strigachev, A., Takalo, L., Tanaka, K., Tavani, M., Torniainen, I., Tornikoski, M., Trigilio, C., Umana, G., Vercellone, S., Valcheva, A., Volvach, L., Yamanaka, M., “WEBT and XMM-Newton observations of 3C 454.3 during the post-outburst phase. Detection of the little and big blue bumps”, 2007, A&A, 473, 819
- Reig, P., Larionov, V., Negueruela, I., Arkharov, A. A., Kudryavtseva, N. A., “The Be/X-ray transient 4U 0115+63/V635 Cassiopeiae. III. Quasi-cyclic variability”, 2007, A&A, 462, 1081
- Reig, P., “On the neutron star-disc interaction in Be/X-ray binaries”, 2007, MNRAS, 377, 867
- Shrader, C. R., Reig, P., Kazanas, D., “Fourier-Resolved Spectroscopy of 4U 1728-34: New Insights into Spectral and Temporal Properties of Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries”, 2007, ApJ, 667, 1063
- Smith, B.J., Struck, C., Hancock, M., Appleton, P.N., Charmandaris, V., Reach, W.T., "The Spitzer Spirals, Bridges, and Tails Interacting Galaxy Survey: Interaction-Induced Star Formation in the Mid-Infrared", 2007, AJ, 133, 791
- Spoon, H.W.W, Marshall, J.A., Houck, J.R., Elitzur, K., Hao, L., Armus, L., Brandl, B.R., Charmandaris, V., "Mid-IR Galaxy Classification Based on Silicate obscuration and PAH Equivalent Width", 2007, ApJ Letters, 654, 49
- Teplitz, H.I., Desai, V., Armus, L., Chary, R., Mashall, J.A. Colbert, J.W., Frayer, D.T., Pope, A., Blain, A., Spoon, H.W.W., Charmandaris, V., Scott, D., "Measuring PAH Emission in Ultradeep Spitzer IRS Spectroscopy of High Redshift IR Luminous Galaxies", 2007, ApJ, 659, 941
- Whelan, D.G., Devost, D., Charmandaris, V., Marshall, J.A., Houck, J.R., "Spitzer/IRS Spectroscopy of the luminous infrared galaxy NGC6052", 2007, ApJ, 666, 896
- Wu, Y., Charmandaris, V., Hunt, L., Bernard-Salas, J., Brandl, B.R., Marshall, J.A., Lebouteiller, V., Hao, L., Houck, J.R., "Dust in the Extremely Metal-Poor Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxy IZw18: the Spitzer Mid-infrared View", 2007, ApJ, 662, 952
2006 - [24]
- Arévalo, P., Papadakis, I. E., Uttley, P., McHardy, I. M., Brinkmann, W. “Spectral-timing evidence for a very high state in the narrow-line Seyfert 1 Ark 564”, 2006, MNRAS, 372, 401
- Armus, L., Bernard-Salas, J., Spoon, H.W.W. , Marshall, J., Charmandaris, V., Higdon, S.J.U., Desai, V., Hao, L., Teplitz, H.I., Devost, D., Brandl, B.R., Soifer, B.T., Houck, J.R., "Detection of the buried AGN in NGC6240 with IRS on Spitzer", 2006, ApJ, 640, 204
- Blay, P., Negueruela, I., Reig, P., Coe, M. J., Corbet, R. H. D., Fabregat, J., Tarasov, A. E., “Multiwavelength monitoring of BD+53 2790, the optical counterpart to 4U 2206+54”, 2006, A&A, 446, 1095
- Boumis, P., Akras, S., Xilouris, E. M., Mavromatakis, F., Kapakos, E., Papamastorakis, J., Goudis, C. D., “New planetary nebulae in the Galactic bulge region with l > 0°- II”, 2006, MNRAS, 367, 1551
- Boumis, P., Meaburn, J., Redman, M.P. Mavromatakis, F., “A deep mosaic of [O III]5007 Å CCD images of the environment of the LBV star P Cygni”, 2006, A&A, 457, 13
- Brandl, B.R., Bernard-Salas, J., Spoon, H.W.W., Devost, D., Sloan, G.C., Guiles, S., Wu, Y., Houck, J.R., Weedman, D.W., Armus, L., Appleton, P.N., Soifer, B.T., Charmandaris, V., Hao, L., Marshall, J.A., Higdon, S.J., Herter, T.L., "The mid-IR properties of starburst galaxies from Spitzer-IRS spectroscopy", 2006, ApJ, 653, 1129
- M.H. Brookes, C.R. Lawrence, D. Stern, M. Werner, V. Charmandaris, "Spitzer Observations of Centaurus A: Synchrotron emission in the infrared", 2006, ApJ Letters, 646, 41
- Charmandaris, V., “Astronomy, Astrophysics, and Space Physics in Greece”, 2006, “Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy”, Volume 7, p. 49
- Coe, M. J., Reig, P., McBride, V. A., Galache, J. L., Fabregat, J., “A 0535+26: back in business”, 2006, MNRAS, 268, 447
- Desai, V., Armus, L., Soifer, B.T., Higdon, S.J.U. , Bian, C., Borys, C., Spoon, H.W.W., Charmandaris, V., Brand, K., Brown, M.J.I., Dey, A., Higdon, J., Houck, J.R., Jannuzi, B.T., Le Floc’h, E., Weedman, D.W., Asby, M.L.N. Smith, H., “IRS Spectra of two Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies et z~1.3”, 2006, ApJ, 641, 133
- Georgantopoulos, I., Nandra, K., Brotherton, M., Georgakakis, A., Papadakis, I. E., O'Neill, P., “XMM-Newton and Chandra observations of SHEEP sources”, 2006, MNRAS, 367, 1727
- Gliozzi, M., Papadakis, I.E., Räth, C., “Correlated spectral and temporal changes in 3C 390.3: a new link between AGN and Galactic black hole binaries?”, 2006, A&A, 449, 969
- Hatzidimitriou, D., Pietsch, W., Misanovic, Z., Reig, P., Haberl, F., “Spectroscopy of the brightest optical counterparts of X-ray sources in the direction of M31 and M33”, 2006, A&A, 451, 835
- Le Floc’h, E., Charmandaris, V., Forrest, W., Mirabel, I.F., Armus, L., Devost, D., “Probing the cosmic star formation using long Gamma-Ray Bursts: New constraints from the Spitzer Space Telescope”, 2006, ApJ, 642, 636
- Misanovic, Z., Pietsch, W., Haberl, F., Ehle, M., Hatzidimitriou, D., Trinchieri, G., “An XMM-Newton survey of the Local Group galaxy M 33 - variability of the detected sources”, 2006, A&A, 448, 1247
- Misiriotis, A., Xilouris, E. M., Papamastorakis, J., Boumis, P., Goudis, C. D., “The distribution of the ISM in the Milky Way. A three-dimensional large-scale model”, 2006, A&A, 459, 113
- Raiteri, C. M., Villata, M., Kadler, M., Ibrahimov, M. A., Kurtanidze, O. M., Larionov, V. M., Tornikoski, M., Boltwood, P., Lee, C.-U., Aller, M. F., Romero, G. E., Aller, H. D., Araudo, A. T., Arkharov, A. A., Bach, U., Barnaby, D., Berdyugin, A., Buemi, C. S., Carini, M. T., Carosati, D., Cellone, S. A., Cool, R., Dolci, M., Efimova, N. V., Fuhrmann, L., Hagen-Thorn, V. A., Holcomb, M., Ilyin, I., Impellizzeri, V., Ivanidze, R. Z., Kapanadze, B. Z., Kerp, J., Konstantinova, T. S., Kovalev, Y. Y., Kovalev, Yu. A., Kraus, A., Krichbaum, T. P., Lahteenmaki, A., Lanteri, L., Leto, P., Lindfors, E., Mattox, J. R., Napoleone, N., Nikolashvili, M. G., Nilsson, K., Ohlert, J., Papadakis, I. E., Pasanen, M., Poteet, C., Pursimo, T., Ros, E., Sigua, L. A., Smith, S., Takalo, L. O., Trigilio, C., Troller, M., Umana, G., Ungerechts, H., Walters, R., Witzel, A., Xilouris, E., “Multifrequency variability of the blazar AO 0235+164. The WEBT campaign in 2004-2005 and long-term SED analysis”, 2006, A&A, 459, 731
- Reig, P., Martínez-Núñez, S., Reglero, V., “Correlated X-ray spectral and timing variability of the Be/X-ray binary V0332+53/BQ Camelopardalis during a type II outburst”, 2006, A&A, 449, 703
- Reig, P., Papadakis, I.E., Shrader, C.R., Kazanas, D., “Fourier resolved spectroscopy of 4U 1543-47 during the 2002 outburst”, 2006, ApJ, 644, 424
- Ribó, M., Negueruela, I., Blay, P., Torrejón, J. M., Reig, P., “Wind accretion in the massive X-ray binary 4U 2206+54: abnormally slow wind and a moderately eccentric orbit”, 2006, A&A, 449, 687
- Spoon, H.W.W., Tielens, A.G.G.M., Armus, L., Sloan, G.C., Sargent, B., Charmandaris, V., Houck, J.R., Soifer, B.T., "The Detection of Crystalline Silicates in Ultra-Luminous Infrared Galaxies", 2006, ApJ, 638, 759
- Teplitz, H. I. , Armus, L., Soifer, B.T., Charmandaris, J. A. Marshal, H. W.W. Spoon, H.W.W., Lawrence, C., Hao, L., Higdon, S.J.U. ,Wu, Y., Lacy, M., Eisenhardt, P.R., Herter, T., Houck, J.R., "Silicate Emission in the Spitzer/IRS spectrum of FSC10214+4724", 2006, ApJ, 638, 1
- Wu, Y., Charmandaris, V., Hao, L., Brandl, B.R., Bernard-Salas, J., Spoon, H.W.W., Houck, J.R., "Mid-Infared Properties of Low Metallicity Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxies from Spitzer", 2006, ApJ, 639, 157
- Xilouris, E. M., Papadakis, I. E., Boumis, P., Dapergolas, A., Alikakos, J., Papamastorakis, J., Smith, N., Goudis, C. D., “B and I-band optical micro-variability observations of the BL Lac objects S5 2007+777 and 3C 371”, 2006, A&A, 448, 143
2005 - [30]
- Arévalo, P., Papadakis, I., Kuhlbrodt, B., Brinkmann, W., “X-ray to UV variability correlation in MCG-6-30-15”, 2005, A&A, 430, 435
- Böttcher, M., Harvey, J., Joshi, M., Villata, M., Raiteri, C. M., Bramel, D., Mukherjee, R., Savolainen, T., Cui, W., , Fossati, G., Smith, I. A., Able, D., Aller, H. D., , Aller, M. F., Arkharov, A. A., Augusteijn, T., Baliyan, , K., Barnaby, D., Berdyugin, A., Benítez, E., Boltwood, , P., Carini, M., Carosati, D., Ciprini, S., Coloma, , J. M., Crapanzano, S., de Diego, J. A., Di Paola, A., , Dolci, M., Fan, J., Frasca, A., Hagen-Thorn, V., Horan, , D., Ibrahimov, M., Kimeridze, G. N., Kovalev, Y. A., , Kovalev, Y. Y., Kurtanidze, O., Lähteenmäki, A., , Lanteri, L., Larionov, V. M., Larionova, E. G., , Lindfors, E., Marilli, E., Mirabal, N., Nikolashvili, , M., Nilsson, K., Ohlert, J. M., Ohnishi, T., Oksanen, , A., Ostorero, L., Oyer, G., Papadakis, I., Pasanen, M., , Poteet, C., Pursimo, T., Sadakane, K., Sigua, L. A., , Takalo, L., Tartar, J. B., Teräsranta, H., Tosti, G., Walters, R., Wiik, K., Wilking, B. A., Wills, W., Xilouris, E., Fletcher, A. B., Gu, M., Lee, C.-U., Pak, , S., Yim, H.-S., “Coordinated Multiwavelength Observation of 3C 66A during the WEBT Campaign of 2003-2004”, 2005, ApJ, 631, 169
- Blay, P., Ribó, M., Negueruela, I., Torrejón, J. M., Reig, P., Camero, A., Mirabel, I. F., Reglero, V., “Further evidence for the presence of a neutron star in 4U 2206+54. INTEGRAL and VLA observations”, 2005, A&A, 438, 963
- Bosch-Ramon, V., Paredes, Josep M., Ribó, M., Miller, J. M., Reig, P. Martí, J., “Orbital X-Ray Variability of the Microquasar LS 5039”, 2005, ApJ, 628, 388
- Boumis, P., Mavromatakis, F., Xilouris, E. M. Alikakos, J. Redman, M. P. Goudis, C. D., “Deep optical observations of the supernova remnants G 126.2+1.6, G 59.8+1.2 and G 54.4-0.3”, 2005, A&A, 443, 175
- Brinkmann, W., Papadakis, I. E., Raeth, C., Mimica, P., Haberl, F., “XMM-Newton timing mode observations of Mrk 421”, 2005, A&A, 443, 397
- Dasyra, K. M., Xilouris, E. M., Misiriotis, A., Kylafis, N. D., “Is the Galactic submillimeter dust emissivity underestimated?”, 2005, A&A, 437, 447
- Giannios, D., “Spectra of black-hole binaries in the low/hard state: From radio to X-rays”, 2005, A&A, 437, 1007
- Giannios, D., “Spherically symmetric, static spacetimes in a tensor-vector-scalar theory”, 2005, Phys. Rev. D, 71, 10, 3511
- Giannios, D., Spruit, H.C., “Spectra of Poynting-flux powered GRB outflows”, 2005, A&A, 430, 1
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- Hao, L., Spoon, H. W. W., Sloan, G. C., Marshall, J. A., Armus, L., Tielens, A. G. G. M., Sargent, B., van Bemmel, I. M., Charmandaris, V., Weedman, D. W., Houck, J. R., "The detection of silicate emission from quasars at 10 and 18μm", 2005, ApJ Letters, 625, L75
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