========================================================================= "X-ray Binary Evolution Across Cosmic Time" Dr. Anastasios Fragkos CfA, Harvard University, MA, USA When: Tuesday, 2 October 2012 at 12:00 Where: 1st Floor Seminar Room High redshift galaxies are unique laboratories for studying the formation and evolution of X-ray binary populations on cosmological timescales, as they probe metallicities and star-formation rates not present in the local universe. I will present results from a large scale population synthesis study that models the X-ray binary populations from the first galaxies of the universe until today. We use as input to our modeling the Millennium II Cosmological Simulation and the updated semi-analytic galaxy catalog by Guo et al. (2011) to self-consistently account for the star formation history and metallicity evolution of the universe. Our modeling, which is constrained by the observed X-ray properties of local galaxies, gives predictions about the global scaling of emission from X-ray binary populations with properties such as star-formation rate and stellar mass, and the evolution of these relations with redshift, as well as the evolution of the galaxy X-ray luminosity function with redshift. Finally, I will discuss the the possible energy feedback of XRBs in the re-ionization and thermal evolution of the universe at early times. ========================================================================