========================================================================= "Modeling Structure Formation in the Universe: From Dark Matter Halos to Galaxies to Supermassive Black Holes" Dr. Stelios Kazantzidis Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Stanford University When: Thursday 10 May 2007 at 1:30pm Where: 2nd Floor Seminar Room Abstract: Understanding the formation of structure in the Universe constitutes one of the fundamental goals of modern cosmology. Over the past two decades, the Cold Dark Matter (CDM) cosmological model has emerged as the dominant paradigm in this pursuit owing to its remarkable ability to explain a plethora of observations on large scale and at various cosmic epochs. In this model, structure develops hierarchically as small, dense dark matter clumps collapse early and subsequently merge to form progressively larger dark halos over time. Bound in the potential wells established by these halos, baryons cool, condense, and form galaxies with a variety of properties. Supercomputer simulations are the ideal means by which to relate theoretical models with observational data and advances in algorithms and supercomputer technology have provided the platform for increasingly realistic astrophysical modeling. Using high-resolution, self-consistent N-body simulations I investigate several crucial issues for galaxy formation research including the structure and substructure of dark matter halos and the formation of supermassive black hole binaries during galaxy mergers. I will also examine whether the abundance of substructure predicted by CDM models is in conflict with the existence of thin, dynamically fragile stellar disks and present a novel model for the formation of the darkest galaxies in the Universe. Utilizing these results, I will emphasize the importance of baryonic processes in comparing theory with observations and highlight the predictive power of the CDM theory on all scales. =========================================================================